Broken pt. 2

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Sooooo... its been a month since i met with Keith & told him about the baby. I'm no longer staying at the hotel, I moved into a 3 bedroom 2 bath condo. Keith insisted that him, his friends Algeee, Woody, Luke, Yazz & Elijah move my stuff instead of me hiring movers. Anwaysss today is my first doctors appointment about my little bundle of joy. Its so werid because growing up I hated kids but knowing that ones inside of me has changed me. I got up hopped in the shower doing all my hygeine stuff. I got dressed & make up. As soon as i finished my hair my phone went off.

 As soon as i finished my hair my phone went off

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Ex/Babydad😕- Im Outside

Y/n- On my way down

I hurried made sure i had everything grabbed my white chanel bag, locked up & head downstairs to Keith.

I pulled up to Y/Ns apartment & told her I was outside. I've never been so happy in my life, I'm going to be a dad I cant wait. Neither can my brothers/friends they are already arguing about whose going to be the godfather. My car door opened & y/n got in.

Keith- Hey, you look nice *starts driving to the doctors*

You- Thank you *on your phone*

Keith- So..... how have you been feeling

You- Alright, just a little bit of morning sickness but the best part about it is *gco*

Keith- having our little baby *smiles*

You- *laughs* Yes but i was talking about the crackers & icing

Keith- *chuckles* you have got to be kidding me thats what your cravings are

You- I've been through a whole box of crackers & i need more soool stop by the store when we leave from here

Keith- *laughs* Ok Babygirl....

You- *ignores him & starts admjring his car* See you got a new whip

Keith- Yea *sighs* but its not mine *pulls up to the doctors office*

You- I've never known you to drive somebody elses car *gets out heading into the building*

Keith- *gets out following her* Nooo i bought it just not for me *dangling the keys in your face*

You- Noo Devin I dont *gco*

Keith- Nope i dont want to hear it. Your not going to be able to fit the carseat in the back of your coupe *walks into office & sits down*

You- *checks in then sits next to him* Your right *sighs* But if you give me the S4 you have to take the coupe

Keith- Nope not happening *texting on his phone*

Nurse- Y/N Y/LN

The nurse called my name & me & Keith followed her back to the room where she checked my vitals & everything. Keith hasnt looked up from his phone since we've been in the room.  The nurse said the doctor will be back in a minute then left. Keith was still on his phone & he would smile here & there but it aint bothering me cause that sint my niggah anymore.

You- if you came just to say you came or whatever you can leave & i can have somebody pick me up

Keith- what are you talking about, im here because i want to be a daddy & I'm excited about it

You- i cant tell you been over there on your phone just a cheessing away. *mumbles* prolly texting that bitch

Keith- *gets up & comes to me & semi yells in my face* Man dont you start that bullshit, ok *sits down*

The doctor came in i had to take a pee test to make sure i was pregnant that came back positive then we did an ultra sound & i'm 10weeks pregnant. Which is werid because i just starting having symptoms. I scheduled my next appointment in 5 weeks then we left. We where in the car siting in silence then Keith broke the silence.

Keith- what store do you want to stop by *driving*

You- No store, take me home somebody is there waiting for me

Keith- Who is it *glances over at you*

You- none of your damn buisness

Keith- whatever man *pulls up next to a yellow lambo then gets out going to open your door*

??- i got it homie *opens y/n door*

You- Thanks Jaylen *gets out*

Jaylen- No problem babygirl

You- *smiles & blushes* Umm... Keith see you in 5Weeks

Keith- *clenching his jaw* Yea

Jaylen- *kissing you on your cheek* I bought you your fav *shows you crackers and icing*

You- *kind of pushes him* Stop *takes icing from you*

Keith- *standing there*

You- Oh my bad Keith *hands him the keys to your car*

Keith- *takes them & hands you the keys to his car then leaves*

You- Come on ugly *grabs Jaylen's hand & drags him inside*

Jaylen- Whatever Stinky *following you*

Me & Jaylen are bestfriends nothing less nothing more but he wants to be more, but im not ready for an actual relationship since everything that happened with Keith.

I cant believe she just done that, right in my face. We havent even been broken up a month & she's out here messing around with other niggahs. I know Jaylen he plays for ucla. He was like y/ns bestfriend for a minute but it looks like they are more than bestfriends *punches stirring wheel*

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