more than friends?

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I walked the hallways of the dreadful high school I attended trying to make my way past the annoying freshman stopping & talking just in order for me to get to my locker

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I walked the hallways of the dreadful high school I attended trying to make my way past the annoying freshman stopping & talking just in order for me to get to my locker. I really didn't talk to anyone in the hallways I got from one class to another with my earphones blaring music. I stopped at my locker so I could place my history book in it when I felt a tall buff frame stand next to me. I closed my locker & took my earphones out.

You: Keith what do you want

Keith: Well Ms. Y/n I've been talking to you for the longest but you where ignoring me as always

You: no no Keith I never ignore you I obviously had my earphones in like I always do

Keith: Whatever

??: *wraps their arm around your waist* Aye man what you doing talking to my boo

Keith: Man Chris what are you talking about you know Y/n is all mine

You: Uhhh no you are both wrong I'm neither one of y'all boo *walks into class with them following you.

Me, Chris & Keith have been friends since they both moved down here 7th grade year. They played football together so that's where their bond came about as for me & Keith I saw him at assembly on the first day & all my friends swooned about him. We had classes together & from that point on we where the best of friends. Me & Chris met in our elective class we had which was music we had a mutual friend Miguel & we all sat together & been close ever since.

Chris: *sits down behind Keith* Ok but the real question at hand is will you be attending the football game tomorrow to watch your favorite linebackers execute

You: What kind of question is that I've been to every game except for one I mean we are 5-0 at the moment nobody is stopping y'all why would I miss it

Keith: *sits in your lap* Ohhh you love us so muchh don't you

You: Yes I do y'all my best friends plus if all ends fail in my life I will marry one of y'all because y'all going to be successful *laughs*

Keith: Wowwww that's all we look like to you

Chris: We walking banks & thats it

You: Noooo y'all are the cutest waking banks this school has to offer.

Class slowly ticked by then we made our way to lunch but we didn't sit together. I sat with the more proper kids just because I didn't really feel like I fit in with the hoodlums at the school. Keith & Chris where the complete opposite they where cool with both bunches of kids.

I stood next to Keith BMW waiting from him exit the locker room so he could take me home from track practice. Five minutes had passed & I sent him a text because I was tired of waiting.

Bestfrannn💜: Yooo I'm at your car where you at I need a ride home

Keef🔥🏈: I have study hall don't know how long I'm going to be come get the keys & so you can sit in the air & not outside in the heat.

Bestfrannn💜: Nahhh I'll be straight I'll just walk to my grannies she wanted to see me anyways

Keef🔥🏈: Alright if you say sooo.. are you coming back to the JV game later

Bestfrannn💜: Yes I'll be back got to go get some money then I'll be back Jasmine wanted me to come back so she could watch her boyfriend but only if you take me home😊

Keef🔥🏈: 🙄🙄 when you get your licenses I swear we going to use all your gas from that point on.

After the game me & Keith where on our way home just making casual conversation.

Keith: Man What should I get to eat

You: Shittt idk you know what sounds good tho...

Keith & You: Food Festival

Keith: You trying to go

You: are you serious

Keith: Yes why would I play with your tummy like that

You: Ok say no more.

We casually made our way to the west end of time where the fesitval was at. Us not thinking we parked 5 blocks away from where the food is so we had to walk. I just knew we where going to get picked up for jay walking because we where legit just running when we didn't see any cars or when we had a good enough distance from the car coming. We walked around finding the booths we wanted to eat at but as we walked Keith was on his phone a lot not saying much of nothing until this old black lady approached us.

Lady: OMG you guys are just the cutest couple ever I love it

Keith: Thanks but I have a girlfriend who think I'm at home soooo don't tell anybody.

My heart went a thousand mile per hour. Keith had a girlfriend & I didn't know it. Why wouldn't he tell me. Why would he fucking lead me on this whole entire time like this isn't fair. Yes we are bestfriends but we are more than that & even the whole school knows it everyone in the damn school even the teachers think we just need to date. I've been at every football game to support him not his girlfriend he come over my house afterward to ice & watch movies I'll even occasionally give him massages when he wants them. Is that all we are in his eye just friends.... I mean that's all he had to say. I just stared into space for a minute just trying to collect my thought. Sooo I guess we aren't more than friends......
COMEBACK KID HAS RETURNEDDDDDDD.... I know it's not broken or dif but this should be something to hold you guys off while I work on the both of those btw ALMOST AT 100k look at us slowing rising together. So what should I do for 100k reads it can be something personal or book related. I just want it to be something y'all like because I wouldn't have 100k without y'all so please make sure to comment.

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