broken pt. 8

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im back bitchessss😋. I'll be updating pt. 9 tonight also but I think broken will be coming to an end soon🤷🏽‍♀️. But I may just say fuck it & make it into a book.

I sat in the mirror looking at my outfit just hoping it was presentable for court

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I sat in the mirror looking at my outfit just hoping it was presentable for court. I could honestly kill Keith for making our family go through this. Since his attorney got in contact with me we have been in & out of court for the last month still no compromise on his side. I had no problem with sharing custody with Keith I mean his Keegan's dad why would I keep him away from him because of me & Keith's problems. During this period of time we have been switching custody by weeks & this was my week with kee. Today was the last court hearing & will let everyone know who has been granted full custody.

Luke: Baby are you ready *buttoning up his jacket* The boys are downstairs to watch Kee.

Luke: Baby are you ready *buttoning up his jacket* The boys are downstairs to watch Kee

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I nodded & grabbed my purse & looked in the mirror again. I knew my curves would be evident no matter what I wore I just didnt want it to seem like I was glorifying them.

Luke: *sneaks up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist* you look fine ok baby, don't worry about anything. *kisses your cheek*

You: *smiles* You're right. Let me go say bye to kee then we can leave.

We headed downstairs where the boys playing with Keegan. He was slouching on his little pillow trying to fall asleep. But the boys wouldn't leave him alone & kept dancing & making funny faces in front of him.

You: Yall my baby is tired he is trying to go to sleep I mean look at him

Algee: Ohh look at him slowly falling asleep

Woody: Can we keep him up just for a couple for minutes *pouting*

Elijah: PLEASEEEE Y/N *doing puppy dog eyes*

You: No guys you have him all day basically he will eventually wake back up

Woody: *rolls eyes* Whatever you say if he doesn't we will come get him tomorrow

Algee: Right now let me take a picture of him *pulls out his phone & goes to his ig story & takes a picture*

Algee: Right now let me take a picture of him *pulls out his phone & goes to his ig story & takes a picture*

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You: Ok y'all we are out. Pray everything goes good

Elijah: You got this sis there's no need to worry. Your an amazing mother to kee & we are all here to support you

Me & the guys have one big group hug. Then me & Luke left heading to the court house.


I sat there in the stand I had just gotten sworn into oath & I was nervous. My hands where sweaty & I occasionally tapped my foot repeatedly which is an action I had to stop because they could use it against me.

Judge: ok mrs. Y/N what makes you a better parent for your son Keegan Alexander Power than his father.

You: Like I've said before judge I don't think I'm a better parent than Keith.

Keith's lawyer: So why is it that you & him can't simply get back together

You: because Keith put me through some stuff emotionally to the point where i broke off our engagement. he cheated on me & left me for the girl he cheated on me with.

Keith's Lawyer: But didn't you flee LA afterwards not leaving your information for Mr. Powers.

You: yes i did I wanted nothing more to do with Keith the last face to face conversation we had almost got physical. I decided it was best if I would move back home to Atlanta.

Keith's Lawyer: And is it true that we you came face to face with Keith & his girlfriend you assaulted her even though you where pregnant

You: Yes I did. Out of anger, I wouldn't take that moment back. Thank god my brothers where there to protect me because Keith would've let her hit me back

K.L.: You knew you where pregnant & still attacked Ms. Kijava. Purposely putting your child in possible danger.

You: no I didn't purposely put my child in danger if was an act out of emotion my brothers where there to stop anything before it went any further

K.L.: Who exactly are these brothers you speak of

You: Algee Smith, Elijah Kelly & Woody McClain they're actually at my house right now watching Keegan.

K.L.: *looking through her files* well it's says here that you biologically only have 1 siblings

You: *swallows* yes I had 1 sibling even though the boys are kin to me by blood they have been there for me in every way

K.L.: your brother died when you both where young 14 right

You: Yes but please I'd rather not talk about it. Loosing my twin brother Alex put me in a bad place mentally

K.L.: Ok. Back to your brothers it seems you failed to mention one... Mr. Luke James

You: Luke isn't my brother he is my current boyfriend & has been my bestfriend since I met him through Keith

K.L.: Had you always had undercover feelings for Mr. James while you where dating Keith's

You: No it wasnt till I was single that I started perusing Luke as an love Interest. He was there with me during my pregnancy we didn't make it official till two week before I had Keegan.

K.L.: No further questions your honor.

We sat in the court for another hour or two. They put Keith on the stand of course he made it seem like I was the unfit parent even though I didn't have one negative thing to say about him. We where now sitting waiting for the judge to return with her verdict. So I face timed Woody to see what they where doing. They had Keegan prompted up on the couch while they sung & danced in front of him causing giggles to escape his mouth. Me & Luke laughed as they continued to act a fool in front of the giggling toddler. I quickly told the guys & kee bye as the judge reentered preparing to give her decision.

Judge: I have reviewed the notes from both parties along with what has been bought in front of me today. I have decided that when it comes to Keegan Alexander Powers full custody will be granted too.......
ohhhhhhhh clifffyyyyyy👀

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