broken pt. 6

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Here is the cast to the first season of Rising Wives: LA. Congrats. PM me your face claim ladies🙂

Jasmine @YrllyJazzy
Aleenah @LeenahAriane
Gloria @GloriaJoseph
Zuni @CarmelPrincess98
Laila @mixedchica
Me @powerssquad
Deja @poetic_goddess
Nicole @_nicoleariel
Serenity @SerenityRollPlanes

Ok guys so should I make this a book or do it in this book. It will be set up like 8parts (episodes) of it & a reunion.

I woke up feeling somebody's arm wrapped around my waist. I rolled over looking at the chocolate god that layed before me. I've always thought he was attractive but I would've never left Keith for one of his friends. But he's sweeter than Keith & actually cares about me & my baby. Especially after the shit Keith pulled a couple months ago at Algees Premiere, I honestly don't care what he thinks about us. I slowly got up out of bed trying to not wake him up. I made my way downstairs to prepare breakfast I hooked my phone up to my speaker letting the True to Self album play all the way through. I swayed side to side & sung along as I cooked. I felt his presence behind me I turned around to see him staring down at my ass.

You: *snaps* Aye eyes up here lover boy

??- Ok Fanny *laughs*

I chuckled at the nickname he gave me. After the aunt in the movie robots with the big booty. I fixed us a both plate & sat it on the table. I couldn't wait for him to fix me something to drink I just dug into the breakfast plate that was before me.

??- Damn Y/n eat the damn plate then

You: *looks down at plate trying not to cry* Luke that wasn't funny *crying*

Me & Luke have been seeing each other seriously for a couple weeks now. But before then he was always here making sure me & the baby had everything we needed. He was everything I wanted Keith to be. But Keith wasn't now I got the lovely Luke James as my boo ting.

Luke: Oh pumpkin I'm sorry *puts both of yalls plate in the sink then bends down kissing your head* Go get dressed I have a fun day planned for us

You: *smiles & jumps up* Soo that means we are going out in public with each other

Luke: Yes *wraps his arms around your waist* I'm ready to show you off to the world idc what anybody has to say & you shouldn't either queen *pecks your lips*

You: *blushes* Ok. How should I dress

Luke: Comfortable it's going to be a lot of walking. We got to little man to drop down

I nodded agreeing with him. I'm due in a week but I want little man to come earlier. Mama can't take it anymore. Luke left going to his apartment to get & ready he said he'll be back in 20 minutes. We weren't exactly at that stage to move in with each other & we thought it would be best. I made my way up to my room I grabbed me a towel & washcloth hopping in the shower.


Me & Luke was walking around Rodeo drive shopping for baby stuff & grabbing ourselves a couple items. Luke carried all the bags but I had been in my feet for hours now. I quickly sat down on a curb. By my favorite store that's owned by one of my closest friends Heather.

Heather: *playing with Zoe* I can't wait for you to have the little pumpkin butt

You: *rubs stomach* Girl I don't think you understand how ready I am for him to shimmy on out did coochie *laughs*

Tirell: Really Y/n *laughing*

You: *laughs* Luke take my picture please *hands him the phone*

He started snapping pictures of me as I posed different ways.

Luke: *pouts* I want to take a picture with my love

Heather: *grabs the phone* go over there before I change my mind

She started snapping pictures of us. I got up to get my phone & look at the pictures.

You: Awhh these cute im finna post one real quick

You: Awhh these cute im finna post one real quick

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"caption: both my boys in one picture💙👶🏽💍"

I felt Zoe poking at my back side i turned around & bent down to her level.

You: What is it mamas?

Zoe: ywhu pweed on ywhu swelf *giggling*

I looked down to see that my pants where wet but you really can't tell because my jeans where a dark denim. Next thing I know I felt the worst pain I ever felt in my life over come my body. I screamed in pain making my way to sit down. Tirell grabbed Zoe taking her inside the store as Luke went to go get the car & heather stayed to help me breath.

You: *breathing heavy* grab *breathes* my phone *breathes* and call *breathes* Keith *screams*

She grabbed my phone calling Keith then handing me the phone.

I was in my walk in closet getting dressed when my phone rung inside my room. I made my way to the room picking up the phone I rolled my eyes as the name "baby mama" appeared on my screen.

Keith: what do you want Y/n ain't you with Luke now

You: *svreaming & breathing* not the time *breathes* in labor *breathes* be at cedar sinia in 5 *yells then hangs up*

I quickly got dressed went in the baby room I had set up & grabbed a diaper bag with everything she should need for the baby then headed toward the hospital. I can't believe I'm gonna be a daddy. I honestly didn't think I was going to get to be there because I haven't talked to Y/n since she had the incident with Kijava. We didn't last long so i fell bad about how I reacted that night.

I sat in the hospital bed breathing & pushing on the doctors command. I'm pretty sure Keith & Luke hands could possibly be broken due to me squeezing them.

Doctor: One last push Y/n we are almost there

You: *pushes & screams in pain*

Doctor: *grabs the baby quickly taking it to the incubator*

I raised my eyebrows trying to see what was going on but I couldn't because doctors where surrounding him. I nudged Keith telling him to go over there to them but they wouldn't let him.

You: *panicing* I've watched enough Grey's Anatomy you doctors only do that when something is wrong *crying* WHY CANT I HEAR MY BABIES SCREAMS

I tried to get up but Luke held me down putting his chin on my forehead rubbing his fingers through my hair. I saw Keith's face have this worried look on it as he clenches his jaw. I grabbed his hand rubbing it causing him to soften up.

Luke: Its ok baby girl. Let the doctors do what they have to do

I layed there watching them move around my son. All I wanted to know if he was all right.
How ya feel about pt. 6?? Please don't be mad if you didn't get a part. I will be looking for a few more people later in the season along with next season. And I love each & everyone of you all that have been supporting me. It means the world even though I may not comment back on some stuff the stuff you all say doesn't go unnoticed. LOVE YOU ALL❤️❤️

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