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               MAGIC ERINA SPELL

Quinn and Steph rush to my side and throw their arms around my neck. Steph's eyes were red and puffy from crying. I knelt beside Ari,studying her movement.

"How did it happen,Steph?" I asked.

She dried her eyes and took a deep breath. " we went to get tacos from our usual tacos stand then we ate it in the car on the way back home. She started feeling uncomfortable. We got home and I tuned in the TV to Nickelodeon for our usual 'Game Shakers' episode and instead of our program to come on, it was a weird song that started playing. Ariana seemed interested in the song and before I could say 'Jack Robinson' , she started shaking like this."

"Maybe it's food poisoning." Quinn suggested.

"Shouldn't we be taking her to the hospital?" Max asked.

I shook my head. "No,this is weird. I can't feel her pain. Someone disconnected our spirit from each other, someone wants to harm her." I gasped in shock as the sudden realization of my words hit me. Someone wants to hurt Ariana!! But who,and why? Nothing will happen to my sister,not on my watch.

Rushing to the empty storage room in  Steph's house, I urge the others to follow me. That room is the only tiled room in the house. "Quinn please hand me the wand I asked you to bring."

She hands it to me and I bend down,drawing a circle and a pentagram inside the circle,in the middle of the room. I lit four red candles and placed them at each edge of the pentagram. I stare at the flame for a few minutes then recite;

"Spiritus mortuorum,Spiritus maiorum meorum, et ipsum revelare loqueris ad me. Dic mihi quis vuit nocere,Ariana." I asked the spirit of my ancestors to tell me who wants to hurt Ariana.

I knelt and closed my eyes tight,feeling the eyes of others on me. I take calm,steady breaths,pushing my fears away,awaiting the spirits to reveal themselves or speak to me but all I got was silence.

"Spiritus mortuorum, Spiritus maiorum meorum, et ipsum revelare loqueris ad me. Dic mihi quis vuit nocere,Ariana." I repeat my chant.

Still silence.

I looked up at Steph,Quinn and Max, panic written all over my face. "It's not working. The spirits are silent."

Max looked so pale with his eyes wide opened. "What the fuck is going on, Ariel?"

How dumb could I be? I forgot to send him back after he dropped me off. Now another person knows my secret. A secret I'm not sure is a secret anymore. What if he looses interest in me after I tell him I'm a witch?

"I'll tell you later,Max. I promise but for now,I need you to help me bring Ariana here." He nod and leaves to get her.

"Girlfriend, what are you gonna do? Is she poisoned or possessed? "Quinn asked.

"I don't know,bestie. I wanna try one last spell and if it doesn't work,I'll be doomed."

Max came back with the shaking Ariana and hand her to me. She really has weight but I struggled to place her gently in the pentagram cause no one else can enter the circle. It has an enchanted spell of protection.

Kneeling beside her,I placed my thumbs on her head, praying to the gods to give me an insight on what was going on.

"Mihi scientiae Mundo omnia scire necesse est. Recludam mentem videan potentiam que alii non. da mihi hanc cognitonem oportet me discere et scire. Spiritus mortuorum, Spiritus maiorum meorum,et ipsum revelare loqueris ad me. Dic mihi quis vuit nocere,Ariana."

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