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  "Any spell or work that goes against or attempts to manipulate ,the freewill of individuals is considered to be black magic. Freewill is considered by some as the most powerful force of nature and care must be exercised when attempting to manipulate it through Dark Arts. The boundaries of what maybe considered dark magic are still unclear.

"White magic would work for neutralizing the harm of black magic,and acting to the benefit of the individual or the world. Another belief states the effects or profoundness of the magic are related to the ability to connect to the power of darkness. Do you understand?" He asked and I nod. He proceeded in teaching me different types of basic spells but instead of in Spanish like I'm use to,he took it to a whole new level. He taught me in Latin ,a more advanced practice.

Quinn watched with all her attention on board. If it were possible, I'm sure my bestie would have become a witch already.

When we were done and about going,Dimari stopped me. He had a serious look on his face and i panicked instantly.

"I almost forgot," he said, bringing out a box from his pocket, "your grandmother asked me to give you something. Turn around."

I did as told,turning around so my back was to him. He asked me to raise my hair up and I did. He placed a silver necklace with a beautiful silver pendant on my neck. I felt this chill feeling deep down . My hand unconsciously automatically went to my neck and sighed at the smooth feeling of the pendant beneath my hand.

Turning to give him my gratitude,my words get stuck in my throat as my eyes beheld his breathtaking own,his gorgeous icy blue eyes that peered into mine. My gaze traveled down to his full pink lips and back to his eyes.

"That's silver, it's for protection against black magic. Goddess Aphrodite blessed it herself." He said pulling me out of my fantasy.

What is going on with me? I'm in love with Max regardless of our issues but why is it that each time Dimari stares at me,my heart races and I get real nervous? Weird.

"Thanks." I manage to say before walking out with Quinn. I practically raced to her car to get away from the surrounding. She followed behind at her own leisure pace.


"What's going on with you girl? You're acting weird and your hormones are all over the place." She said when she finally got us half way down the road.

"I have no idea as to what you're talking bout." I lie.

She scoffs loudly. "Keep telling yourself that,B. You are in love with Max. Regardless of what is in that Tab,you have no right to judge him until you talk to him which you've refused to. And uhmmm, what's this attraction I sense between you and Dimari? You better kill it."

I roll my eyes, "uhmm,excuse me, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

She gives me a death threatening glare and continue speeding down the road. I truly don't know what I want anymore, I mean I wanted Max but as it turns out, he wants a lot of other women so that's out the window. I seem to always make the worst and wrong decisions in life.  I'm in desperate need of a vacation ,faraway from known faces and all my issues.

            _ - -_--__--_

Getting to Quinn's apartment, we see a crowd in front of her gate and flashes from phone camera going off and on. Quinn and I exchange confused looks and quickly got down from the car. Approaching the crowd slowly and panicked,Quinn and I entwined our fingers together as some sort of comfort for whatever laid ahead.

As we got closer,the noise got louder. From the corner of my eye,I sight Ariana and Stephanie whispering to each other.

Okay what in freak's name is going on?

The crowd gives way for Q and I as we walk through,like we celebrities or something and my eyes instantly met with that of Max, standing in front of a white Lykan Hypersport looking so damn good. Just one look at his gorgeous face,my brain forgets all the reason why I'm suppose to be mad at him. He has a smirk on his face and I try with all my power not to break into a smile.

Moving closer to me,he whispers in my ear, "hey baby" giving me gooseflesh.

"Don't 'hey baby' me. What do you want? " I said rudely,giving him my deadliest glare.

Quinn grabs our arm . "let's go somewhere more private" she said eyeing the crowd. Max follows her hastily while i reluctantly do so. We got to her living room and the moment Ari and Steph also got in,she locked the door.

"What's wrong,babe? Why are you mad at me?" Max asked giving me the innocent look.

"That's a dumb question. You want to tell me you haven't seen the tabloids this morning?"

"As a celebrity,I make it my duty to not look at those. Some rumors hurt. Why?what's in it?"

Quinn taps on her phone and the news pops up then she hands the phone over to Max. I watched as his face went from worried to relieve and to a stupid smirk.

"What's funny? You really hurt her" Steph states angrily.

"Baby," he started cautiously. " this lady with me,her name is Ava Alfonso. She's my stepsister but no one knows because she grew up in England and hates the paparazzi."

My eyes widen in surprise. Oh! Now I feel stupid.

"Really? Okay what about the other Lady? Uhmm Santana?" Quinn also asked in my defence.

"Old time fling. Baby I promised you I'm done with my old ways and I meant it and mean it. I'm all yours,Miss Sandavol,you've got me to yourself. I was really worried when you didn't pick up,I thought something happened, I thought Erina had done something."

How did I getting from being the victim to feeling guilty?

"I'm sorry, I got really upset when I saw the News. Don't worry,Erina can never harm me."

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too Mr showoff. Thought you hated the publicity yet there you were,creating a scene with your million dollar car."

"Who said i hate the publicity? Besides,I wasn't making a scene. I only allowed people appreciate the little gift I got for my Queen."


"I got the car for you,babe! Thanks for being mine,you deserve the best
" he said handing me the keys while Quinn,Ari and Steph giggled in excitement.

"Why do I feel like you're buying me?" I pout.

He laughed. "You are my girlfriend now, Mine! Everything I have is yours so please accept it baby cause I got it with love."


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