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            AWKWARD DAY!

Time runs by quickly when you let go of negativity and surround yourself with positivity. Being around people that makes you happy,helps in taking away pain and heartbreak.

At least, it's been two weeks since Quinn's 'resurrection' and all has been surprising well,giving all that has been happening so far. Quinn,Steph and I have been closer like never before. Meanwhile, Ariana and Max has managed to avoid school the complete two weeks. It sorts of makes it easier for me to move on. Out of sight out of mind,right?

Only, I need to return Max's car back to him. I've been stalling not because I love the luxury of it but because I'm still too chicken to face him. I love him with all my heart and it's hard. So hard.

Having my skin moisturized and my mind prepared for bed,I climb on to the bed for a good night's sleep.


Like a flash,I saw mine and Ariana's body on a table,lifeless,dead. And as it came,it left. I woke up panting and scared. What do all these dream mean?

My thoughts get interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

"Hey,D." I spoke into the phone.

"Mi Corazon. How are you doing?" Dimari asked at the end of the other line.

"Holding up. What's up?"

"I was thinking and hoping we could spend the day together. Besides the magic practice, we hardly hang and stuff."

I smiled even though he couldn't see me. "Sure. So what were you thinking?"

He laughed. "Was thinking hiking then maybe bonding over ice cream."

"Instead of trying to get ourselves killed, what if we do movies then ice cream."

He laughed again. "Sure. Pick you up at your place by 12?"

"No. Pick me up at Max's' instead. There is something I need to do."

The line went quiet for a while but I could still hear him breathing till he finally said, "sure." And hung up .

I flew out of bed to the bathroom for a relaxing bath, After which I put on a pink romper,paired with a black kimono jacket and a gold sneaker. I parked my hair into double ponytails and applied little makeup. I looked like a doll. After all the dress up was done ,I left Steph a note and took my leave driving straight to Max's' mansion. The beating of my heart was so loud even when I turned on the radio,I could still hear it. The nervousness I felt couldn't be compared.


Getting to Max's place,I met them having breakfast dressed in nothing but morning robe. Ariana was shocked to see me at first but that expression was quickly replaced by anger. Max looked indifferent, like he doesn't know me. Which of course is due to the spell casted on him.

"What do you want? Aren't you shameless still showing up here." Spat Ariana.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Hold your horses,sister. I'm not here to steal your stolen boyfriend. I'm only here to return the car he gave me. I see no reason as to why I should keep it."

The anger in her eyes left,making me feel a twitch. The same feeling I felt before all this shit started. My eyes locked with hers and that was when I noticed the color of her eyes. It had changed from the gorgeous blue to mint green. They looked so damn familiar. Then the fury was back again in her eyes. My eyes though,travelled from Ariana to the table and finally rested on Max.

He looked tired,worn out,his hair was unkempt and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he had a great night of blissful pleasure and then it hit me. Ariana had given her virginity to him. How could she do this to me?  I turned away from him to give my eyes a rest. Looking at him was excruciating. To love him,to need him and yet know he was bound to my sister for life.

Summoning up courage,I glanced at Ariana one last time before leaving .


I strolled down to a cafe along Max's street. He took me there once for breakfast so I want to eat there this morning. A girl can treat herself once a while. The cafe is quite expensive and would drain me a bit but I don't mind. I deserve it. Wiping my tears away, I entered the cafe. These past weeks has been difficult and sad, I finally want to be okay. I want to move on.

Breakfast went fast and so did my cash. I texted Dimari a while back to pick me from the cafe instead of Max's. He arrived with a smile on his face.

We didn't say anything all through the ride to the cinema. I was lost in my thoughts, couldn't get rid of the color of Ariana's eyes. Those color look really familiar and I'm 100% sure I've seen them somewhere. They held this fierce determine look which matches the kind of look my eyes took when I'm upset about something. The weird thing is Ariana never had that look.

When we arrived at the cinema, we both sat in the middle roll and the movie playing was the bomb. Wedding party was what we decided to see and it was lit. Best Nollywood comic movie ever. I'm super glad I got to see the movie.

Dimari drove us to one of the best ice cream parlour ever. I've always heard of it but never gone cause it's expensive and mostly for the high and mighty. As usual,I went for the fruit ice cream while Dimari chose lemon ice cream. Instead of sitting at the ice cream parlour,i suggested we take a walk at the parks 'n' Garden opposite the parlour. The weather was not too sunny making the day cool,a perfect weather for relaxing.

"This fruit ice cream is to die for. Have you tasted it?" I moaned in satisfaction.

He chuckled. "No. I either do vanilla or lemon."

"You are totally missing."

He smiled lovingly at me. His gaze lingered longer than usual on my face making me blush.

"You are as gorgeous as a Texas sunset." He whispered. Colour creeped into my face again.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"You know, you should really move on from Max." He stated which got me a little furious. He had no right to ask me to move on. It is my life and my situation and I can handle it any how I desire. Besides,Max is not in his right senses, he is under a spell and that's why he's with my sister and not because he chose to.

Deep in my thoughts,I felt a lip pressed to mine, then a teeth grazing my lower lip. I looked at Dimari in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" I asked pushing him away.

His eyes narrowed. "Kissing you."

"What do you mean 'kissing you'? Why do you say it like that,like it is no big deal?"

"What is the big deal in that? Listen Ariel,i sincerely love you. I'm head over heels for you. I want you to be my girl,mine."

I stare at him speechless, digesting what he said. Gah! I hate awkward moments like this. How do I tell him I can't love another besides Max?

"I'm sorry,D. I don't feel the same." I managed to say.

He smiled down at me. "I know. I wish you would tho."



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