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           THE BATTLE 2.

My brain stopped working as the arm dragged me upstairs to my room. Only then did I see the face. It was Dimari.

"You son of a bitch!"I spat angrily. "You scared me."

He let go of my hand at once. "My mother was quite a bitch. We don't have time for all this talk. Whatever it is down there came for you. I'll try to distract and stop it but I need you to stay here and prepare for battle. Do you get?"

At the mention of battle my throat went dry. Battle? Battle? I'm about to exchange spells with a fellow witch,maybe someone higher with lots of practice? I am not liking the sound of this one bit.

"Who am I battling?" I asked.

"I don't know. The person has a dark aura,very dark and predatory, angry,hungry for blood and power and betrayed. That's all I can sense. Her face is cloudy."

I looked at him quizzically. "How do you know all this?"

"You're not the only one that read Auras. Just do as I say. Is your grimoire here?"


"Good. You'll find some spells against black magic there. "

I nod ,turning my back against him.

"And Ariel?" He called out when he had gotten to the door.

"Yeah?" I turned to face him.

"Get ready for war."

He left me standing there utterly lifeless. I couldn't get my brain to function.

     When my brain finally fully registered the situation, it got working. Firstly,I removed my heel and put on a flat sandal then I studied the grimoire for some minutes,flipping through pages till I found the right spell.

I lit up an incense as the said then relaxed,especially my mind. I concentrated for a few minutes after which I lit three candles and laid them out forming a triangle. I took a white lace and stretched my arms over my head. While I did that, I chanted; " Que las fuerzas oscuras a Mi alrededor se vayan para siempre y nunca vuelvan."

After reciting the spells , I slowly emerge from the room down the stairs in panic,hoping and praying everything is back to normal downstairs.

As I approach the party ,I kept hearing sharp cries . A hand pulled me to a dark corner .

       What is it with people pulling my hand?

"You can't go down there, Bes. You don't wanna meet who is down there."

Ahhhhhh! I breathe a sigh of relief grateful it's just Quinn.

"Move out of the way,Bes. Whoever is hurting them needs to be stopped. I can destroy them."

"No. Listen to me,for my sake. You can't go."

Right now isn't the time to put my selfish desires first. I have a responsibility and it is saving those innocent people down there. I push her out of the way and run down chanting a spell in mind. A bright light bulb appears in my hand. Taking a good stance,I prepare the light in my hand,ready to attack. My eyes search for the culprit. I could sense her . like Dimari said,she has a dark, hungry,jealous and betrayed aura. That aura feels familiar. I've sensed it before.

I gasp as a sudden realization dawn on me. ERINA!

"Hey ,Sister." The voice says from behind me. I turned around immediately to find Ariana dressed in a black flowing gown,smiling mischievously at me. I'm short of words.

"Ariana." I breathe causing the light bulb In my hand to die. I sensed Erina not Ari so what's going on.

"Happy Birthday,sister."

Being distracted by own confusion enabled her to throw a spell force at me sending me to the floor. Quinn quickly rush to my aid.

"You can't fight her,Ariel." She said. " you are too emotionally involved. You know you can't hurt her. It's better we get out of here right now."

"No. I can't leave. She'll hurt everyone. It's better I end this shit now." I told her.

Ariana clapped her hands while moving to our front. "Quinn Quinn Quinn. You are quite a strong one. Oh wait,that's because you have Ariel. Without her,you'd be dead by now.  Thought I had gotten rid of you once and for all."

We gasped.

She continued. "But you are in luck as I didn't come for you today but for my Darling twin so get out of the way."

Threatening my best friend is not acceptable and also killing my best friend is worst. Anger I've never felt before was bestowed upon me and it came in full face. Using her distraction, I sent a spell force in form of a white bulb to her hitting her exactly on her chest sending her to the ground. It gave Quinn and I ample time in pushing everyone upstairs to a room. We were able to lock those one's in but were not able to free the one's she'd tied before she regained consciousness.

The look in her eyes told me I better bring my best game otherwise I'm dead.



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