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              THE TRUTH 2


It was the garden where i saw dad before . I was happy to be back. Everywhere was so peaceful and i was also at peace. The garden was even more beautiful than the last time i was here. But a disturbing cry keeps manipulating my thoughts each time i wanted to close my eyes and drift into the comfort of the peace. This time,i decided to listen to what the voice was actually saying.

" Best friend,remember how you felt when i almost died? I feel worst right now. Ariana is awake, she needs you. Max needs you to open his memory, your mother needs you, Stephanie needs you. I need you. Can't you see we all need you? How can you find peace when I'm here and you are over there? Please wake up."

It was Quinn! And she was pleading with me to wake up. Nevertheless,i love it here. It's like everything I've ever wanted. However,Quinn was right. I couldn't abandon her. So for her,for Ariana, I'll go back and finish my story.

I urged my spirit to succumb to the resurrection spell but it won't bulge out of fear of what's to come. But what's to come? Then i heard a loud authoritative voice penetrate my soul.

"Expergo. Spiritus mundi mortuos suscitat." the voice said. It means wake up. My spirit immediately jumped into my body. I jerked up coughing continuously.

Quinn and Dimari were at my side,patting my back. Quinn's eyes were red and puffy from crying. I threw my arms around her as she sobbed. "Sshhhh. I'm here now. It's okay,Q."

It made her sobs grow louder. I didn't take notice of the others,my focus only on my best friend.

Mother walked up to and landed a slap on my face. I winced a little from the sting. What did i do now? I just resurrected so what the nuggets?

"You stupid child." She spat at my face. "Didn't i warn you to not bring any harm my daughter's way?you said you wouldn't. Yet you did. Picture the scenario where we weren't here to wake her!"

Ariana jumped down from the table,standing between mother and i. "Don't say that,mom. It isn't Ariel's fault. I was manipulated by this witch. Rather than Ariel hurting me,i hurt her. I owe her an apology. Though i can't recall most of the things i did,i still know i hurt her. I can see the distance in her eyes."

Mother glared at her. I did not have time to listen to them bicker. I was on a mission to Erina once and for all.

With every anger,frustration and bitterness in me, i twisted my palms,a ball of light forming. It was massive and so bright. It illuminated everywhere. I was about throwing it at the shocked,unprepared Erina when i heard a voice I've always longed to hear again, shout "Stop."

It was father.

I gasped,shocked at how he was able to enter the mortal world.

"Father" i said at the same time Erina said, "Mark."

Father's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at each and everyone of us before resting his gaze on me. "You all have gone nuts and despicable. Ariel,i warned you to not hurt Erina. Didn't i?"

I gulped nervously. I've never envisioned him this mad at me. "Father,she killed Ariana and i. I have to put an end to her even if it means going through you." I said still twisting my palms and reciting my spell silently.

Erina's attention was on my father and it was the best time to take her down.

"Nahtona." A voice called out.

I didn't need to turn around to know it was grandmother calling me. She was the only one who called me that Cheyenne name which means daughter.

"Please don't hurt her. Let me speak up first and if you still want to kill her, it's up to you." She continued.

I nod in agreementI. Grams was the only one to tame me.

"Erina and Eva are both my daughters. They are sisters."

Okay back up a sec! I didn't see that coming. I gaped at her as she continued.

"Eva is older than Erina. The ritual for the transfer of powers was done and the gods chose just Erina like they chose just you. Eva threw a fit. She was so jealous,feeling she had every right to be the chosen one given her birthright. Erina has always been so powerful and has always studied all types of magic without our knowledge. She was able to decode even the most inaccessible spell. Aphrodite personally chose her just like you.

She was blessed in all ramifications just as you. She decided to share her powers with her sister cause that's who she is,a kindhearted person. And also because they were so close and she wanted her to also enjoy the joy of the magic. Using a black magic forbidden spell,she transferred some of her powers to Eva. 23 years ago, Erina came to me that she had fallen in love with a mere mortal which is your father and they were ready to get married.

I requested him home for introduction. She eventually brought him and i approved but Eva didn't because she also had feelings for him tho she kept it to herself. She secretly told him about our secrets which he took lightly for he was deeply in love with Erina."

"Bitch" i muttered,sparing a glance mother's way.

"Eva sought out your father again declaring her love for him which he shunned her once again. Days after,we found out Erina was pregnant. The household was happy including his family and my sister,Dimari's mother who died a couple years after that. That is,besides Eva who finally used a memory spell on your father and forced him to sleep with her. She also used a pregnancy spell to get her pregnant immediately."

Erina gasped and gaped in shock. I feel bad for her. My mother has always been a bad bitch yet she accuses me of being a whore. So damn ironic. It still doesn't change the fact that Ariana and i are products of not only an illegal affair but also of black bad magic. I watced Erina,she looked miserable. Tears ran down her face continuously. I guess she really didn't know her sister.

"You have always accused me of stealing everything from you when in reality, I've never taken anything from you neither have i ever hurt you but you betrayed me. You were the one always stealing from me all along."

Mother hissed,rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry,she's always one to cast the first stone and she's quite a whore too." I smirked.

"Quiet children. I'm still talking." Grandmother scolded. "After that,she opened Mark's memory and he realized what he had done. He felt sick at heart and useless. He was going to tell Erina the whole truth but he came to me first."



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