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             THE TRUTH

         Author's Pov

Eva alongside Dimari ran to the scene but they were already too late. Erina had killed the girls.

Earlier before the whole fight begun, Dimari took Ariel to her room to cook up a protection spell while he left to get Eva and Summon grandmother. He expected Ariel's spell to protect her till he got back but it didn't. He knew Erina was too powerful for Ariel especially since she was using deadly black magic.

On getting to Eva's house,she was adamant on believing him until he opened her eyes and she saw what was going on at the mansion. He knew it was time the truth had to be told.

When they had finally gotten to the mansion, Erina had already chanted a death spell on the girls.

They were late.

Eva rushed to Ariana,pushing Quinn out of the way. She picked up her daughter's lifeless body,crying beyond control.

Quinn who had refused to look at Ariel's body for the pain of seeing her best friend's dead body was too painful to bear. As Dimari came,she had to go to her bestfriend.

Erina was so shocked on seeing Eva. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her eyes was clouded with tears as she watched the crying Eva.............

"Don't leave me,Ariel. You are strong and you know it. You can wake up. You must wake up. You gave me life,now how do i give you life back?"Quinn weeped while Dimari kept shaking the body like it would make it have life once again. Quinn dried her eyes,stood up angrily,matched to Erina and slapped her hard on both cheeks. She kept slapping her and crying while doing so. Dimari had to rush to her and carry her to stop her from hurting the witch.

Eva looked at Erina with bloodshot eyes. "How could you do this to me? When will you ever understand that there are consequences to everything you do?When will you stop taking what's mine?"

Erina managed to compose her shocked self. "Sister!" She croaked. "I thought you were dead. Mother said you were dead."

Eva was about hitting Erina when Dimari came in between them. "You two,stop it now." He ordered. "When will you two stop bickering? We need to wake the girls up right now. Ten more minutes and they won't wake up we ever again."

"I swear sister, i didn't know they were your children. I may be a strong witch but when the gods don't want me to see something,i don't see it."

Eva ignored Erina but looked at Dimari," please wake up my Ariana,my precious baby."

Erina's brows furrowed. "Why not save the two?"

"Let us join hands together to do this. If one person breaks a death spell,the consequences is much but since we are three, i doubt there would be any. Ready?" Dimari said.

They nodded.

Dimari first went inside the mansion and searched for a big wooden table. On finding it,he drags it to the middle of the huge living room then drew a circle around it with a pentagram inside the circle using a chalk. He lit red candles around the table and asked the others to carry the lifeless girls in and placed them on the table. Quinn stood watching them fromal a distance. She was practically useless at that point.

They held hands and started chanting, "Remortio a morte. Remortio a morte. Remortio a morte." They chanted six times but neither of the girls woke up.

They started chanting again and again. Ariana let out a loud gasp followed by sounds of her coughing. Eva quickly rushed to her side,helping her up.

"Mother?" Ariana managed to say before looking beside her and seeing Ariel's dead body. She screamed. "What happened? Did she d-die? D-d-did i die?? She asked,frightened by the mere thought of it.

"You'll be fine,baby!. You are okay now." She assured her daughter.

"Why is she not waking up?"

Erina cut in. "I'll try something." She placed her palms,one on Ariel's stomach then the other on her head. "Auferam omne maedictum omne honestum non imponitur . Libera"

They waited but still,nothing. Quinn sobs got louder.

"Her spirit is happy wherever she maybe. She's refusing to come back because she's found peace and that's why the spells aren't working. " Dimari said after reading Ariel's aura.

"Best friend,remember how you felt when i almost died? I feel worst right now. Ariana is awake, she needs you. Max needs you to open his memory, your mother needs you, Stephanie needs you. I need you. Can't you see we all need you? How can you find peace when I'm here and you are over there? Please wake up."

Erina was touched and moved and shook. Without taking her hands off Ariel's body she bent so she could speak into her ear then said in a commanding tone, "wherever you may be,at the sound of my voice,come out!"



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