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Y/n pov

the past month i've had to sneak out of my apartment, just so i can avoid logan throwing a plate at me. i crack the door open just to make sure he isn't there. the coast is clear, so i grab my skateboard and quickly walk out the door.

"y/n!" someone shouts making me turn around. its logan at the end of the hall, holding a plate in his right hand. all of a sudden he starts running towards me, so i start running further down the hall.

i look behind me, and logan is starting to catch up.

i freak out and trip. i look behind logan and notice a couple of boys chasing after him. before i could get up logan is standing right in front of me, holding the plate with two fingers.

"logan, we are in a hall," i warn him " no we aren't," he says acting dumb with a smile on his face. "don't be stupid," i scoff.

then i hear a smash, i shut my eyes and cover my head with my arms.

after a couple of seconds, i open my eyes, and notice that someone is standing in front of me. he looks at me and smiles, i get off the ground. i look at logan and he doesn't look pleased, i chuckle.

i look behind logan and notice there are other guys staring at me.

"thank you-," " jack," he tells me with a warm smile on his face.

and that my friends is how i met jack avery.

[A/N] I actually found this pretty cute...what do you think?.

Also, i'm going to add the other chapters
later on because it's 2 in the morning and i'm getting tired.

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