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This imagine is for -popcornbesson

Saoirse pov

i take a deep breath as i look at the big house in front of me. i realise i'm staring after a couple of seconds, so i grab my suitcase and head towards the house. i knock on the door and wait a couple seconds for someone to open it.

"oh my gawd! saoirse is here guys!" jack shouts once he fully opens the front door, within seconds all the boys are giving me a hug.

ugh, i missed them so much.

" i thought i was going to be stuck with them all summer," my older brother daniel whispers as he walks me further into the house, i laugh at daniels comment and get a couple of weird looks from the other boys.

"we all missed you," zach tells me and all the boys start to agree "i'm sure corbyn missed you the most though," jonah whispers causing me to blush, i'm sure jonah is the only boy in the group that knows about my little crush on corbyn.

i look over at corbyn and notice that he's looking right at me. i smile at him, and he smiles back before going on his phone causing me to get up and sit next to him.

"whatcha doin'?" i ask as i sit down next to him and put my head on his shoulder "nothing," he replies as he lays his head on mine.

within seconds i'm in a deep sleep.

dang jetlag is messing me up already.

"awww how cute," i hear someone shout as i wake up, i open my eyes to see four of the boys taking pictures of me. i look up and notice corbyn asleep too.

that's probably why they're taking pictures.

i nudge corbyn, causing him to jump out of his skin "get up sleepy head," i laugh, he smiles as he gets up of the couch. i watch as he walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"so saoirse the boys and i have been thinking," daniel mumbles as he looks at his feet, i start to get nervous "what?" i ask getting impatient "we want you to come on tour with us!," jack shouts and he throws confetti over my head, i begin to laugh causing the boys to stare at me confused.

"i thought you guys were going to kick me out," i say as i continue to laugh, in the corner of my eye i see corbyn walk in with a glass of water in his hand. he sits next to me and lays his arm around my waist causing me to blush once again.

once the boys notice corbyns arm around my waist they each come up with a stupid excuse to leave the room. jack told me that he had to go and cut the grass, daniel told me he needed to clean the toilet, zach told us that he needed to do something important, and jonah just told us that he was leaving the room.

when all the boys left corbyn and i sat on the couch for a couple of minutes in silence. "i missed you," he whispers "i would miss me too, i'm a pretty cool person," i laugh as i look into his gorgeous bright eyes, he laughs too.

"i...u-umm..i-i l-like you," corbyn says seriously," i look at him in shock, after i realise what he just told me i give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek "i like you too," i respond with a huge smile on my face.

now i'm really excited for tour, now that i get to spend it with corbyn.

[A/N] So what do you guys think?? i think this one is cute.
sorry if there are any grammar mistakes i haven't proof read it yet.
also you guys should go and read @-popcornbesson book.

Anyway i have homework to do so I'm going to go do it lol.

See ya laterz

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