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Y/n pov

Jack: y/n i'm bored asf.
read 3:45

Y/n: that sounds like a personal problem.
read 3:47

Jack: can you please come over?.
read 3:52

Y/n: i'm busy studying for our finals.
read 3:59

Jack: can't you take a break? for me.
read 4:02

Y/n: ugh. i hate you.
read 4:03

Jack: you love me ;)
read 4:08

Y/n: keep dreaming.
read 4:09


I roll my eyes and groan. i shut my laptop and my textbooks, so i can take them over. if i was going to see him, i could at least get more studying done.

i grab my skateboard and skate over to their house, it's not too far away. i knock on the door and the door opens to reveal jonah.

"y/n, how are you?," jonah asks as i walk into the house "i'm alright," i reply with a smile on my face. "jack's upstairs," corbyn tells me as soon as he notices me, i nod my head. i ignore corbyn and walk into the kitchen.

"y/n!," jack shouts as he runs into the kitchen "yes?," i ask "i'm surprised you came," he whispers pulling me into a hug. zach and daniel look at us and raise their eyebrows. they both know that i've liked jack for a while now.

jack pulls out of the hug "can we do something?," he asks me pouting "he probably wants to make out," daniel says walking in the room with jonah. i blush at his comment and so does jack, now everyone's in the kitchen.

"i brought face masks for everyone!," i shout as i get excited, all the boys look at each other and make stupid faces. none of them wanted to put on the face masks, but in the end i got them to wear the masks.

as we wait 20 minutes for the mask to dry i take my textbook and laptop out, jack looks at me and frowns.

"what?," i ask him as i start typing on my computer "stop studying," he tells me "no," I reply.

i get off the chair to get a glass of water, i turn around and notice jack has my laptop in his hand "jack, please give it back," i whisper as I slowly walk towards him, he just starts moving back.

all of a sudden he makes a break for it, i start chasing after him.

i trip over and fall to the floor.

"are you ok?," jack asks running towards me with my laptop in hand, i just nod my head in response.

he holds his hand out, i grab it and get up off the floor.

when i get off the floor i'm inches away from jack, i look into his dark eyes. all of a sudden he starts leaning in, so do i...

[A/N] aghhhhhh, sorry it took me forever to update i was busy, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. tell me what ya think in the comments.


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