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Y/n pov

"Would you alright with staying over?," Mrs. Besson asks over the phone, I nod before realizing that she can't see me.

"Sure, what time would you like me over?," I ask as I pull out a small bag to put clothes in.

"4 o'clock would be perfect," she states, I look at my watch and notice the time. 3:23pm.

"Perfect, be there at 4:00," I assure her before hanging up and grabbing random items of clothing.

I rush downstairs to see my parents.

"I'm going to be babysitting for Mrs.Besson," I tell them "what time would you like me to pick you up?," my mum asks, I think about it for a second before replying "I'm not sure I'll text you in the morning to tell you,"

"The morning! young lady you are not staying over!," my mum shouts getting off the couch and sitting her tea on the coffee table.

"I'm almost 18 I think I can babysit overnight," I tell her as I put my shoes on, she nods before taking her seat on the clinch once again next to my dad.

I look at my phone and notice that I have to be at the house in 15 minutes, I grab an apple before running out the door and towards the Besson household.


"oh thank god," I whisper, taking a deep breath after running far down the street.

I knock on the door 3 times, and within seconds the door is opened by the one and only Corbyn.

"I think I've got the wrong house," I say as I look at the houses beside the one I'm in front of, he chuckles before asking "Are you the babysitter?," I nod.

Corbyn looks at me up and down before winking at me.

"Can I come in?," i ask getting inpatient,, it's cold outside and I'm wearing a thin cardigan.

"Sure," he says before moving out the way and walking upstairs.

"Mom! Y/n is here!," I hear ashley shout from the living room, I hear heels hit the floor with every step.

I turn around to see Mr and Mrs. Besson wearing very formal clothes, I smile at them.

"We have a work emergency," Mrs. Besson states before grabbing the car keys and leaving the house.

As soon as the front door shuts I grab out my phone to text Jack.

Jack you will never guess who I'm babysitting!?
Read 4:06pm

Who? That hot girl from AP Algebra II?
Read 4:09pm

No! It's Corbyn Besson
Read 4:11pm

It'S cOrByN bEsSoN
Read 4:16pm

Stop mocking me! You know I've liked him since freshman year and we're becoming seniors
Read 4:18pm

JuSt DoN't EmBaRrAsS yOuRsElF
Read 4:20pm

I hAtE yOu
Read 4:25pm

YoU lOvE mE
Read 4:26pm

I laugh at Jacks text before I have my phone snatched out of my hand, I look behind me and see Corbyn with my phone in his hand.

"Corbyn give it back!," I shout as I jump off the couch and towards him, he begins to run down the hall before stoping at a dead end.

I walk closer to him, I put my hand out for him to give me my phone.

Once I stop I look at him and notice that he has my phone in his and and is holding it over my head, i begin to jump for it.

"Give it!," I shout, he laughs.

I stop and cross my arms. he steps closer, now his face is so close I could feel his breath.

"Make me," he says before backing up and walking into his bedroom.

"Hey Y/n!," Ashley shouts from downstairs, I run downstairs to see her watching a movie "do you want to watch princess diaries with me?," she asks.

"Is that even a question? Of course I want to watch princess diaries with you," I say before jumping on the couch next to her.

Ashley and I stayed up late talking and watching a bunch of movie before she went upstairs to bed and I fell asleep on the couch.


I hear my phone ring, I throw my hand to my left but I'm surprised when I feel a pillow next to me, i jump up and notice that I'm not in the living room anymore.

I look at the music equipment and all the photos on the wall, my thoughts are interrupted by the door opening.

I quickly lay back down and pretend to be asleep, I feel a little bit of pressure next to me on the bed.

I hear the bedroom door close before I open my eyes once again, I look to my right and notice my phone beside me.

I grab it and read through the texts from jack and my mum, I quickly run out the room before getting dressed and waiting for Mr and Mrs besson to get back.

"How were they?," she asks looking nervous, I smile at her before assuring her that they were absolutely fine the whole time.

I walk out the house and sit on the pavement, waiting for my mum to pick me up.

I jump when I hear the front door open, I turn around to see Corbyn.

I smile at him and he smiles back.


I check my phone.

You look beautiful.
Read 7:23am

I blush, all of a sudden my mum is in her car parked in front of me, i quickly jump in the car before she drives off.

I take one last look at Corbyn and he waves at me before he's out of sight.

I sure hope I get to babysit the Besson's again.

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks it's 3am for me and I'm gonna edit it later today when I'm not dead lol, anyway don't judge me I'll make sure to edit it.

Until next time.

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