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Y/n pov

I've always loved walking places, even if I have to walk alone. I usually have my earphones in while I take in everything going on around me, like the old lady across the street from me buying a pair of sunglasses, and a couple at the cafe sharing a huge cake.

My thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping on my right shoulder. I turn around and see a boy that looks a little younger than me.

"can i sing you a song?" he asks nervously, I nod my head. he sings a couple words before I hear a guitar playing, I look to my left and see another 4 guys walk over singing.

I look around us and notice many people recording this with any cameras. I start to take in all the boys features, how some are taller than others, and that 4 of them have straight hair while only 1 has curly hair.

Eventually, the song comes to an end, I start clapping along with the many people surrounding us. All the boys give me a hug.

"this had honestly made my week," I tell them with a smile on my face, they all smile back at me.

"what did you think of these boys?," a tall blonde guy with a camera asks me "they were amazing," i say as i smile at all of them.

all the boys introduced themselves, but one of them I couldn't keep my eyes off of.

It was Daniel...

[A/N] I was listening to the song nobody gotta know as i was writing this, i've still got a couple of more chapters to publish...

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