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-SUNSHINESEAVEY commented on one of my chapters and idea for a chapter, and here I am writing it.

Y/n pov

"Tag your it, bitch!" I shout as I hit Jonah on the shoulder before running out of the room, he pauses for a second before running after me.

I quickly hide behind the sofa and watch him run out the room, looking for me. I quietly laugh at the fact that he just ran past me.

"Gotcha!," Jonah screams in my ear and he hits my shoulder.

"I'm hungry," I tell him as I rub my stomach.

"Wanna go out for food?," Jonah asks, I nod before running upstairs to grab my vans.

Should I tell him at lunch?

I walk downstairs to see all the boys staring at me with a big smile on each of their faces.

I'm gonna have to tell all of them at once

I begin to freak out as we walk further and further down the street, thinking about what I'm gonna tell them. That I'm ___ (sexual orientation)

We eventually get to the café and take a seat near the windows, they all begin to talk.

It's now or never, y/n

I take a deep breath.

"Hey guys?," i whisper causing them to stop looking at the menu and stare at me.

"I'm ___ (orientation)," I say, they all just stare at me.

All of a sudden Daniel gets up, he walks around the table and towards me.

Daniel takes my hand, helping me up before pulling me into a hug.

Within seconds all the other boys are hugging me.

"I'm so proud of you for telling us," daniel whispers in my ear, I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

"We all love you," zach tells me as we all hug.

And at that moment I knew that these guys would be the only people I will ever need.

I hope you guys liked this little chapter and -SUNSHINESEAVEY tell me what you think and if I should change anything.

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