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Summer days

This imagine is for livrose1718

Liv's pov




"Oh my, shut up!," I shout grabbing my phone and turning off my alarm.

It read 7:45.

"I'm late!," I shout jumping out of bed and running towards my closet, I quickly pick out a oversized black guns n' roses shirt with a pair of high waisted ripped jeans and a pair of black slip on vans.

Just as I put my shoes on I hear a knock at my bedroom door "come in!," I shout as i rush towards my suitcase.

"You ready?," my mum asks with a smile, I nod my head before we both walk out my bedroom and towards the front door.

"Have fun," she whispers as she gives me a kiss on my forehead, I smile at her before walking out the front door and into the car.

"How's it goin'?," my best friend Angela asks as she starts the car "great," I reply with a wide smile.

I am ready to have the best summer.

Angela and I somehow managed to convince our parents to let us go to California for summer, obviously we will be staying with a relative.

"Did you tell your grandma that we're on our way?," I ask Angela as we make our way down the street, she nods her head.

This is gonna be a long drive.

• • •

"Welcome!," Angela's grandmother shouts as she sees our car pull up, we both smile at her before getting our suitcases out the trunk.

We both walk up to her and give her a hug, I thank her for letting me say and she shows us our way around her large house.

"Have you been speaking to Jonah lately,Angela?," "Who?," I ask after her grandmother "he's just this guy i used to hang out with as a kid," she tells me as she shrugs her shoulders "no biggie," she tells me as we walk up the stairs and towards our room.

"No biggie, are you freaking kidding me?," i ask shocked that she never told me about this jonah guy, "I never really thought you would care," she tells me as she opens her suitcase "are you high? of course I would love to know this kinda stuff," I explain as I start to unpack.

Angela just smiles.

"Would you like to meet him?," she asks biting her lip, I nod my head.

"Give me a second to get ready," I tell her as I look at myself in the mirror "you look fine," she tells me, I shake my head in disagreement.

My blonde hair was put up into a messy bun that is extremely messy, and I had somehow managed to smudge my mascara.

I quickly wash my face before taking my hair down and brushing it until it's wavy and soft.

"Ready," I tell her.

We both walk out the front door after telling Angela's grandma where we're going.

Standing outside the large blue house is making me nervous, and I can tell Angela is too; she's looking down at her nails "knock," i tell her with a warm smile.

She knocks three times.

The door opens to reveal a tall boy with dark hair "can i help you?," he asks "Jonah?," Angela asks with a smile spreading on her face "oh my gosh, Angela?," he shouts giving her a hug.

"Who's this?," he asks staring me up and down, I get even more nervous "that's liv, my best friend," Angela explains, Jonah nods and smiles at me.

"The boys and I are in the pool, you guys are more than welcome to stay over?," he offers, within seconds Angela is running and jumping into the pool, and I just stand there awkwardly.

I look around and notice there are 4 other guys with Jonah, he introduced me to all of them.

All the guys were nice, I decided to take a seat beside the pool.

"You coming in?," Zach asks with a smile, i shake my head as I watch Angela splash ah Jonah with Corbyn and Daniel.

"You sure?," he asks, I nod my head.

I take a look at my phone for a second and when I look back up zach isn't anywhere to be seen, i stand up and look in the pool for him.

Without warning I'm pushed into the pool, I get up and see zach standing there laughing at me, I flip him off before he jumps in with me.

"you're welcome," he says bowing, gaining claps from the others.

"Ha ha very funny," I say sarcastically, he smiles before splashing me, i laugh and being to splash him back.

2 hours later

"We'll see you later since you guys will be here all summer," jonah says as we both walk out the house and towards Angelas grandmothers house.

I hear loud footsteps, when I turn around I see a drenched Zach running towards us.

"You forgot this," he says hanging me a piece of paper.

I open the paper to see what he wrote.

To liv,
call me beep me if you wanna reach me
from zach.

Angela and I laugh at the note before walking home.

This is gonna be a great summer, I can feel it

[A/N] Liv if you need me to change anything just dm me, I have no problem making sure you enjoy your imagine.

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