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Happy Birthday

This imagine if for jadehake

Treasure's pov




I groan as i hit my hand off my alarm that's on my bedside unit.i look over and notice that it's not my alarm that's ringing, it's my phone. i quickly take a look and notice that i've got hundreds of twitter, instagram and snapchat notifications.

without hesitation a turn my phone off and go back to sleep, waiting for my actual alarm to go off.



i let my alarm ring multiple times before i decide to get out of bed, i look beside my door and notice a present and a card.

within seconds i'm standing in front of the box and card, i quickly open the envelope and begin to read what the card said.

Dear treasure,
Happy Birthday, we are so upset that we can't see you on your birthday but we will be sure to take you out for dinner when we get back. Hopefully you have an amazing day.
Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack and Zach

i could tell that jonah wrote the whole thing and the others had written their names, i begin to smile as i reread the card.

i sit the card down on my dresser before opening the present, i realize that in the box they got me some new clothes and a gift card to chipotle.

when i saw the chipotle card i 100% knew it was from zach, i smile as i take all my presents out from the boys.

after 30 minutes i rush into my closet to get dressed for the day.

i pick out a cute plain white off the shoulder top with a pair of high waisted ripped denim jeans, i shove on a pair of white vans.

i hear a knock on my door just as i get my shoes on.

"who is it?!," i shout waiting for a reply, i don't get one so i walk over to open the door-

i'm interrupted by my phone ringing, i run over and notice that jonah is calling me, i quickly ran my phone and smack the green button.

"heyy," i say into the phone as i begin to blush.

"how's it goin?," jonah ask's referring to my birthday.

"great so far, i just wish you guys were here," i complain as i bite my nails.

"i wish i was there too- i mean we wish we could be with you too," he tells me.

"well i've got to go get food, but I'll call you later?," i ask biting my bottom lip.

"yea, bye," jonah says before ending the call.

i grab all my stuff from my room before walking out into the dark living room, i try to turn in the light but before i know it the lights are on and people are shouting.

"happy birthday!," everyone shouts, causing me to jump. "oh my gosh," i reply as i look at all my friends standing in-front of me wearing birthday hats.

i look around the room and notice jonah standing in the middle with a smile on his face, i blush as he stares at me.

before i know it jonah is walking up to me, grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss.

"i really like you," he whispers as we pull apart, i smile before kissing him once again.

"i like you too," i reply with a smile on my face.

"who wants cake!," zach shouts directing other people's attention to something else.

i couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

[A/N] Wassup.
i haven't updated in a few days, i've been busy studying for STAAR rip.

anyway i hope this chapter was good and if you have a problem w/ it feel free to dm me.

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