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This imagine is for thomasdoherty_love

Lauren's pov

"Morning," i groan as i walk out of my room and into the kitchen downstairs "morning sweetie," my mom says as she puts pancakes on a plate for me, i thank her before taking them upstairs to eat while i talk to my friends.

"'s zach and yours 3 year anniversary, what are you guys gonna do?," my best friend asks through the phone, i look at her on my phone and explain to her that i got him some chocolate and a pair of vans, in the box i wrote 'thanks for stepping into my life', this causes her to awe "i'm honestly not sure what zach's gonna do, but we're gonna meet up for lunch later.

"well i'll let you go and get ready for your date," gemma says "alright, bye" i reply before pressing the red button that ends the call.

i take a look in my wardrobe before picking out a pair of high waisted ripped denim shorts, with a black 1975 crop top and then a green camo jacket. once i'm dressed i walk into my bathroom and begin to put my hair up into a messy ponytail then i apply a small amount of make up before finishing.

"lauren! zach's here!," my mom shouts from downstairs, i run downstairs and jump into zach's arm.

"hey," he says with his face in my neck "oh my, i missed you so much," he whispers, i let him go and guide him upstairs and into my room.

"leave the door open!," my mom shouts, i leave my door wide open as we sit in my bed.

"how's tour?," i ask zach with a huge smile on my face "it was great, i missed you though," he replies giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"i got you something," i tell him as i walk towards my wardrobe, i grab the box of chocolate and the shoe box i wrapped nicely.

"what's this for?," he asks taking the presents and opening them "our anniversary," i remind him with a smile "oh shit," he whispers, i look up and him and my smile fades "did you forget?," i ask "yes, i am so sorry lauren. i've been so busy i totally forgot," he explains, i begin to tear up.

he can't see you like this.

i tell myself as i wipe away my tears.

"i think you should leave," i tell him as i point at my bedroom door. zach slowly get up off my bed, leaving the presents i got him.

i watch zach walk out.

my mom waves goodbye to him and locks the front door behind him.

i immediately call gemma, i've got tears streaming down my face.

i've been with zach 3 years and he doesn't remember.

as soon as Gemma answers my call and sees my face she gasps "are you ok?," she asks getting worried "zach forgot our anniversary," i tell her wiping away my tears "where is he?," she asks "I just told him to leave," i answer using wipes to take off my make up and get rid of the mascara stains.

"i'm so sorry," she says.

i spent the next couple hours on the phone with Gemma, she would try her best to make me laugh.

my mom left for work so i spent most of today alone, my conversation with Gemma was interrupted by the doorbell going off.

i get up of my bed, hanging up on Gemma and walking towards the front door with caution.

i open the door and there is a pizza guy standing there with a large box.

the guys hat was covering his face, but when he looks up i realize it's zach.

"babe, i am so sorry," he explains handing me a big pizza i open the box and see that he wrote 'sorry' with pepperoni, i laugh when i look at it.

i invite him inside, he slowly walks in.

"i'm so sorr-" he begins but is interrupted by me kissing him.

"i accept your apology," i tell him, we walk over to the living room and i notice a massive fort.

"your mom may have let me come in and make it," he tells me as he grabs my hand.

we spent the rest of the night binge watching tv shows and eating pizza.

[A/N] So i've updates 2 times in one day, i'm impressed with myself lol.

lauren if you have a problem with it feel free to dm me and i can change it. do you guys get the title it's like 'fort night' but instead it's 'fortnite' lmao this is why I'm single.

anyway have a great day

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