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part 2.


"this is your fau-," i shout before being interrupted by daniel grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss...


Blair's pov

Once i realize what's going on i push daniel off me, he looks at me shocked, and confused.

"daniel, what makes you think you can do this?" i ask starting to tear up, he takes a step closer and i take a step back.

"i didn't want to hurt you blair," he whispers, i wipe away my tears. "if you didn't want to hurt me, why do it?," i ask my voice cracking.

he looks at his feet in shame.

"i spent the past month in my room asking myself what i did wrong, but now i know it was never me, it was your fault!," i shout at him.

without thinking i grab my stuff before walking off the beach and getting away from the boy i thought i loved.


as i walk into my house i hear laughs coming from the kitchen, i drop my stuff and walk towards the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible.

i look through the gap in the door and see my older sister talking to all of the boys in why don't we, even daniel.

"can you please tell blair that i'm sorry and that i'll wait for her," daniel asks, while the other boys talk among themselves.

my sister nods, he gives her a weak smile before they all say they have to go.

they all start walking towards the door, i quickly run upstairs trying to not make much noise.


blair: i love you.
read 7:12pm

daniel: i love you too.
read 7:16

blair: can we hang out tomorrow?.
read 7:20pm

daniel: mine?.
read 7:22pm

blair: perfect.
read 7:24

[A/N] That's the chapter for today :))))
the next chapter will be tomorrow so be ready, tell me what you think about this chapter

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