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Zach -

Y/n pov

"bye!," zach shouts, causing me to smile.
• • •
one month later.

it's been nearly a month since i've met the boys and moved in with them, it's been one of the best months of my life.

each and everyday zach and i get closer, i may have developed feelings for him but nobody needs to know that.

"morning!," zach shouts walking into the kitchen scaring me half to death, he notices that i jumped "sorry," he laughs grabbing a apple and taking a bite out of it.

"what are you eating?," he asks as i take a spoon full of cereal and shove it in my mouth, after i swallow it i reply with "food, i'm eating food," zach just stares at me "haha y/n very funny, i aspire to be as funny as you," he says sarcastically causing me to choke on the cereal because i was trying not to laugh.

zach just stands there and watches me.

"you good there?," he asks "i'm doing just fine zach," i reply getting up and putting my bowl in the sink, before walking into the living room.

i look behind me and notice that zach is following me, i begin to speed up and so does he. we keep going until i and sprinting my way through the house in socks.

once i get outside i pause to catch my breath "we always seem to stop here," zach laughs as he walks closer to me.

"you're right," i agree with a smile on my face, now zach is right in front of me.

he looks at my lips for a second before looking me in the eyes, then he begins to lean in-

"yo! bro what are you doing outside we're about to film a mashup!," corbyn shouts from inside causing zach and i to jump.

"i better go inside," zach says backing away with bright red cheeks "you should go do that," i reply with a smile.

i watch him walk inside, but before he gets to the door he stops and turns around "hey y/n do you maybe want to go out later?," he asks scratching the back of his neck "like a date?," i ask "like a date," he replies with a smile before continuing walking towards the house.

as soon as zach is out of sight i begin jump up and down, then i do a little victory dance- once again i am interrupted by one of the boys, this time it was daniel "you are a terrible dancer, I hope zach doesn't take you dancing," daniel laughs at me "shut up, or i'll beat you up like I did in 6th grade," i threaten my brother, he shakes his head before walking back inside.

while the boys are singing their mashup i quickly run upstairs and get changed into a pair of high waisted black ripped jeans with a cute yellow cropped hoodie, then I shove on a pair of checkered black and grey slip on vans.

i run downstairs and notice zach waiting for me on the couch, he looks up at me and smirks.

"you ready?," he asks taking my hand "yes," i reply as we walk towards the front door.

when we get out there is a uber waiting for us. we get in and begin to go to a mystery location, i asked zach multiple times where we are going but he wouldn't budge.

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