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Morning Run

This imagine is for christina_herron

Christina's pov

"oh my sweet baby!," my mom cries as i finish packing the last of my clothes and furniture into boxes, i look up to her and give her a hug before making my way downstairs.

"i'm gonna miss you," my dad tells me, wiping his tears away. i smile at him before telling them both that i'm going to miss them too.

i walk out the house to see my friend elise, she runs up to me and gives me a hug.

"ready to go?" she asks with a smile "i just have a couple boxes to take," i tell her before running inside to grab them, she takes them out of my hands and puts them in the back of her truck.

we both get into the truck, she turns on the engine and we begin to drive, i look out the window and see my parents holding each other as they see me turn the corner.

Two Weeks Later

it's been around two weeks since i moved to LA to train with the Cali Black Ops Cheer Team, and i've just now finished unpacking.

"christina! hurry!! we're supposed to be at practice right now!" elise shouts from the kitchen, i grab my hair tie, and shoes before i run out the door with elise chasing me.

the beach is a ten minute walk from where we live so we decide to run, i check my watch and i'm getting multiple texts from my friends asking me where i am, so i run faster.

i turn my head to make sure elise is keeping up and i see that she is, so when i turn to face forward  i see a boy, he looks at me running faster than light (lmao sorry) and it took me a second to realize i'm gonna run into him and i'm going way too fast, he realizes too and prepares for impact.

i bump into him causing us both to fall, i quickly get up and help him up too "i am so sorry, i've got to go!," i tell him before i pick up my shoes and continue to run, within seconds i can see the team practicing.

i slow down and walk the rest of the way.

"where were you?," the girls ask, i tell them i was running a little late before i sit on the sand so i could catch my breath, they all grab me a bottle of water.

i look behind me and i can see elise just now getting over, she falls to the ground, breathlessly she tells me "we're taking the car next time," i nod my head before we both get up to practice.

after we stretch we begin to do some tricks and we go through our routine for the competition.

as we do the tricks, groups of people would stop to watch. i choose not to pay attention to them, but i look down for a second and see the same boy in ran into this morning and he's looking directly at me.

we take a 5 minute break, so i grab my water at take a seat with elise. all of a sudden someone is blocking my view of the ocean, i look up and there he is, looking down at me.

"um....hai" i say with a little wave, he's silent "i'm so sorry about this morning, i was running late so i had to run here from my apartment, i didn't see you i promise" i explain to him, he just laughs before taking a seat in front of me.

"i'm daniel," he introduces himself with a smile, i smile back "i'm christina" i tell him.

"so christina after you bumped into me my back started hurt and it would only stop if you gave me your number and possibly went out with me?," he smirks, i look around at all of my friends and they're all giving me the thumbs up "um sure," i grab a piece of paper and write my number, he smiles at me once more before walking away.

"what just happened?, maybe we should run over here more often," elise tells me before laughing.

[A/N] heyyy umm i'm sorry? i haven't been on wattpad in a fat minute, i took a break bc of school and work and honestly just life, growing up sucks.

anyway i'm hoping to get back to writing because i like writing, also don't judge the typos because i haven't proof read any of it, i wanted to get this chapter out asap.


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