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This imagine is for Funny3467

Stephanie's pov

"you nervous?" my mum asks me as she walks into my room, i shake my head in response.

"i've been talking to him for a while, i really like him," i tell her as i sort my hair out, she gives me a hug before walking out the door leaving me alone with my thoughts.

daniel and I have been talking online for nearly 7 months and we haven't met, but not long ago one of his friends sent me a ticket to the tour they're on.

his friend; corbyn, told me that this is their 4th show on tour and that i would be able to stay for the rest of the tour.

• • •

i look at the time on my phone and notice I've got multiple notifications on my phone from daniel, i smile knowing that i'll be able to see him soon.

i hear a car horn and realize my friend is waiting outside for me, i grab my phone and bolt downstairs.

"bye mum!," i shout as i run "good luck!," she shouts back before i shut the front door and continue running to the car.

• • •

within minutes we're at the arena, i look at all the signs the teenage girls are holding for the boys.

i start to get nervous.

"don't worry, you'll be fine," my best friend; Lucy whispers in my ear as we walk closer to the arena.

"how did yo-" "you were biting your nails" Lucy interrupts.

"you get to meet the boy of your dreams!," she shouts as we walk through the arena looking for where we need to be.

"meet and greet right?," lucy asks, i nod in response.

as we walk towards the limelight meet and greet i start to freak out.

"this was a bad idea, let's go back" i say grabbing lucy's arm and walking in the opposite direction.

"not today steph" she warns me, pulling me back towards the door.

lucy shows the security our wristbands then she quickly opens the door and shoves me inside, slamming the door behind me.

all heads turn around and look at me, i slowly walk further into the room. it was extremely crowded, i started to freak out until i felt someone tap my shoulder.

i turn around to see the boy i've been talking to online for the past 7 months.

"it really is you," he whispers before pulling me into a huge bear hug.

"yup it's me" i tell him, hugging him.

"want to know what the best part of me being here?," i ask with a smile.

"what?," he asks as all the fans crowd round us.

"i'll be with you the rest of the tour," i whisper in his ear before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"you're amazing stephanie," he smiles.

• • •

The End...

Alright i know this wasn't up on the 20th but i'm about to catch up so expect me to update a couple times tonight.

Stephanie i hope this chapter is alright just dm me if you have a problem with it.

Also the next imagine will be for jackssmilee so be ready

Also the next imagine will be for jackssmilee so be ready

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