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This imagine is for RirixSeavey

Blair's pov

Daniel: blair i won't be home in time for our movie night, I'll make it up to you.
read 6:47pm

Blair: it's fine, i'll see you later babe.
read 6:56pm

Ten minutes later

Daniel: i'm on my way babe, i just told blair i won't make it home.
read 7:07pm

Blair: dani, please tell me this is a joke.
read 7:12pm

Daniel: shit.
read 7:15pm
Daniel: blair, i'm so sorry.
read 7:19pm

Blair: please don't text me again.
read 7:20pm


It's been a month since i talked to daniel, he's tried to contact me multiple times. i'm just too heartbroken and stubborn to talk to him.

"c'mon blair stop moping around all day, he didn't deserve you," my older sister shouts as she takes my bed covers off me.

i groan before getting up, i stumble to my closet. i pick out a simple outfit before grabbing my phone and walking out the door.

i walk to the beach. just before getting onto the sand i take off my white vans, i hold them as i walk around looking for somewhere to sit.

once i find somewhere to sit, i get my earphones out and play music ignoring the people around me.

my thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder, i take out one of my earphones. i turn around and make eye contact with the one person i didn't want to see.

"hey," he smiles lightly "what do you want? ," i ask as i grab my stuff before getting up and trying to walk away.

"please blair i'm sorry for what i did, if i could change it i would," he cries, i turn around dropping everything i'm holding.

"are you kidding me!" i shout "if you are so sorry for what you did then why did you do it in the first place?" i ask as my blood beginning to boil.

"this is your fau-," i shout before being interrupted by daniel grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss...

to be continued...

[a/n] I hope you enjoyed this imagine :)), RirixSeavey just dm me if you want me to change any of it

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