~Chapter One~

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"You're what??"

"Im getting married!"

"Mom. Mom, you aren't serious, right? We aren't moving to NEW JERSEY, right?? You're not getting married to a guy in NEW JERSEY???"

"I thought you'd be excited."

"To- To totally uproot right before senior year?? To move to an entire different state where I'll - I'll have to start all over?? I have a hard enough time here, I won't have anyone I know out there!" Evan fiddles with his hands.

"I....I'm happy you're getting married, it's... It's the moving part I don't like."

"Well you'll have someone there! Jerald has a son. And he's your age!"

"Oh. Great." this is definitely not great. Evan wants to mcfuckin die.

"Well you can still talk to... Jared right?"

"I guess, but... But he'll be here." Jared will probably rejoice at the fact that he doesn't have to hang out with Evan anymore, he thinks. He'll have to Skype him about it tonight. And that's exactly what happens.

"What Hansen?"

"I uh, I have some news to share. I-If you want to hear it that is, if you don't care I can just hang up and we don't have to talk."


"You sure? I mean, it isn't really that important, I can just let you get back to whatever you're doing if I'm bothering you." Of course it's important. Evan only calls if he had something important to say because phone and video calls make him anxious but they mean he needs to talk now.

"If it wasn't important, you wouldn't have called. Speak treeboy"

"Okay. Well, um, I'm... I'm gonna be moving. To New Jersey. S-so if you don't wanna talk anymore once I'm gone, it's totally fine, I get it, I can lose your number if you want, we don't have to hang out anymore if you don't want, cause I know you uh... You think I'm a loser, so... "

"YoU'rE mOvInG???" Evan was not expecting this reaction.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, and... And I'm pretty anxious about it. My mom is getting married to some guy and we're gonna move in with him and... He lives in New Jersey." Jared looks like his whole world has fallen apart.

"Are... Are you okay?"

"Yeah.... maybe."

"... Jared, seriously, you look like I just told you your dog died." Jared clears his throat.

"So when are you leaving?"

"in like... A week I think. We start packing things tomorrow."


"Jared, do... Do you need me to come over? You look like you're going to cry."

"I'm fine!" His voice cracks.

"... Are you sure? If you don't want me over there you could come over here... Unless you just don't want me around, I could just... Hang up?"

"I'll be over in five" he hangs up. Evan is so confused. Is... Is Jared upset he's leaving? He didn't think he really cared that much...

Jared cares A LOT. He gets over there and he's knocking on his door. Evan opens it looking so concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"Connor Murphy will literally murder me."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You are the only reason he hasn't yet. But you're leaving! You're gonna be gone!"

"Why would he murder you, Jared, what are you talking about??"

"We are literally at each other's necks all day. Whenever you aren't there. The guy- fuck!"

"Jared, come in, come sit." his mom is at class. It's just the two of them.

"You're serious? I'm the only thing that stops you guys from fighting?"

"Yeah.. you're literally the only one who would stop him." Cause he's the only person who cares about him. Evan... Doesn't know what to say. Him and Conner aren't particularly close, they just sorta... Are maybe friends a little, and once again, he did not actually think Jared would care if he left. He also now kind of feels like a human shield.

"Oh... So... So you don't want me to go because I keep Conner at bay?"

"And you're like my only frien-" he stops himself. Evan freezes.

"You... You consider us friends, Jared?"

"Uh, well," Do it, "yeah..." Evan is quiet, just looking at Jared. Then he starts to tear up.

"Evan. Evan please don't cry"

"Jared, I thought - I thought I embarrassed you, I thought you didn't want to be around me, I -" he sniffs.

"Yeah well, I'm kind of an asshole that doesn't want to admit to my feelings"

"Jared, I'm- I'm scared to move. I don't want to go to Jersey, I only have two friends and you're both here, I... I'll be so alone."

"I'll... if you want I can text you. Regularly. We can skype every night a-and-"

"Yes. Please." Jared hesitates but hugs him. He needs it. Evan hugs back tightly.

"....I'll miss you."

"I...... I'll miss you too" He buries his face in Jared's shoulder.

"Do you want to spend the night? I... I don't want to be lonely. Not yet."

"Yeah. If you want me to. I'll stay"

"I really really want you to stay."

"Then I'll stay. It'll be okay." He starts to run his fingers through his hair.It's so soothing. He just wants Jared to hold him and stroke his hair forever so he doesn't have to go to stupid New Jersey. They soon move to his bed. It's already pretty late. Evan lays in Jared's arms, eyes red and watery still.

".... I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you."

"I don't either... but I can't stop it. If I could, I would."

"I would too... I wish I could... I wish I could drink. Forget about it. Just for a bit."

"We could steal some drinks from your moms liquor cabinet?" He looks up at him.

"She'll kill us if she finds out."

"So she won't find out"

"... All right, but it's all stuff like wine and whiskey and stuff. Gonna need to break out some glasses too."

"Can do. Let's go"

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