~Chapter Thirty-Two~

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In the next couple days, Michael gets to go home. That next Monday, both of them going back to school. They get weird looks. They get whispers. Christine is very concerned.

"I've been worried sick about you two!"

"Y-you have?" Jeremy's a lot more quieter than normal.

"Yes! You're both so pale and weak looking... What happened?"


"Well, I mean.. Its kind of private, unless Michael is okay with it."

"... It's just Chris, tell her..."

"W-well Rich did..... have intercourse with me a-and....... and Michael got mad and he t-tried to.. to off himself..." She looks at Michael, expression terrified. He shrugs.

"And now-" Rich walks up to him. Jeremy doesn't look at him. Rich opens his mouth and Michael slams him against a locker, spooking Christine. Jeremy goes quiet. He regrets ever even letting him touch him. Michael growls.

"You listen here and you listen good, Goranski. Touch him again and you're dead. I'll tear your throat out, I swear to God."

"I didn't do anything he didn't let me, freak."

"At first..."

"And then you fuckin let me, don't lie, you damn slut!"

"Don't you EVER call him that!" That shuts him up. Reminding him of when Michael had called him that..

"That is not what he is, don't you ever call him that. You've fucked up, Richard, you damn fucked up." Jeremy stares at the ground.

"tch, whatever. It's not like I fuckin care." he gets Michael off himself and heads off. Michael is pissed. Christine is shook.


"He does it again and I'll kill him."

"I know..." Jeremy takes his hand before wrapping his arms around him.

"Gosh... At least... At least you're still together?"

"Mhm. "

"I'm sorry you saw that Chris..."

"No, no, it's fine..."

"We gotta go to class Mikey, c'mon." Michael allows himself to be lead away, feeling sick and angry.

"You gotta be more careful with yourself.. You just got out of the hospital and I don't want you to have to go back"

"I'd gladly go back if I got a few good hits in."

"Michael please."

"I'm fuckin serious!"

"I am too!! I don't want you to go back! I don't want to go back there at all! It'll jut remind me of all the lost hopes I had of you never waking up!"

"..." he looks away.

"Sorry." Jeremy hugs him again, tight.

"I love you."

"I love you too..." the rest of the day is filled with more whispers and strange looks, especially at Jeremy. He hates it. At the end of the day, he just wants to get out of there. And Michael escorts him, as well as Jared and Evan, to the Cruiser, getting them the hell out.

"They were all staring at me. I hate it.."

"I know, baby, I know. I do too."

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