~Chapter Five~

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".... There've been times I've gone off my medicine and told you I hadn't. That I was fine. I've lied over the phone if you called during a panic attack. I lied about, um... My arm."

"Your arm?"

"M-My arm." he scratches at his cast. "How I broke it. Why I broke it."

"So it wasn't an accident"

He shakes his head. "Not... Not exactly."

"What happened?"

"I... Wasn't doing well. I was working in the park, I knew no one would find me if I climbed that tree, and if no one found me I could just... disappear." he refuses to look at Jared.

"When it cracked, when I got to the top and the branch gave way, I just... Didn't see a reason to hold on. And I let go. And I fell." Jared holds him close.

"...I'm better now."

"I......... I haven't been completely honest either." They're just opening up to each other.

"... About what?"

"I, uh, I kind of went down that same route but... but for different reasons"


"Uh, probably from freshman year to right now"

"Jared." he hugs him tighter.

"That's when it really started hitting. But it's always been happening before that. Ever since I could remember... god I just want to hit him back just once." He lays his head on his shoulder.

"Gosh, Jared, you... Are you talking about... Does your dad..?"

"Yeah..... a lot." His grip gets even tighter. Evan is engulfed in what he can only describe as fear and... Anger. How DARE that man touch Jared in any way that isn't kind.

"Ev- Evan it hurts.." Evan immediately lets go.

"I'm... I'm sorry."

"I'm kind of surprised you didn't say anything about them last night or this morning."

"I... I didn't want to... To bring it up."

"So you saw how bad they were? How many were made by my dad and the ones that were made by me?" His eyes start to water.

"I don't want you to leave..."

"I... I saw enough. I don't want to leave, and I wish I could take you with me, and I wish... I wish I could bash your father's fucking head in, Jared, I-" He's digging his nails into his hands, curled into tight fists. It's the angriest Jared has ever seen him. Jared takes his hand.


"I can't - I didn't know - I've looked at that man so many times and thought he seemed like a good dad and was ENVIOUS that you'd had him, and - I'm just so -"

"That's because I make sure he's good around you. Once you leave he just.... gets drunk and hits me..."

"I just want to - to - to go to your house and - ooooooh, I just want to -"

"I know. I know Evan, I do too. But we can't. There's nothing we can do about it. I only have one more year. Then I can go off to college."

"But what if... What if-"

"We can't DO anything Evan."

"...We can't. We can't."

"God- Fuck-" he's gonna cry. Evan pulls him into another hug.

"C'mere. C'mere, Jared, I got you."

"I fuckin' hate my life Evan. You are the only thing good about my life and- fuck -and you're leaving!"

"Shhhh, I know, I know." He's got that very soothing omega feel to him. He's calmed down enough himself to be calming for Jared.

"If I didn't have to, I wouldn't."

"God- Evan I can't do it. Not without you"

"Yes you can. You can do it, because once you do, after this year, we can - we'll go to college TOGETHER. We'll live together, we'll - it'll be okay."

"I..... I don't know Ev..."

"It will be okay. Look at me. Look at me. I... I love you. Jared, I asked you to mark me for God's sake. Just because I'm in Jersey doesn't mean... I'm gonna call every night, I'll call every single night, I'll text you all the time, and-"

"Please. I-I'd need it"

"I will. I definitely will, Jared, how could I not? I'm yours, Jared."

"You're mine"

"I'm yours. For Forever." Jared leans up and kisses him. They successfully evade detection by Heidi concerning Evan's state for the week they spend packing. The day they leave is the hardest day of his life. Jared is there before he leaves, hugging Evan so tight.

"Let's hope this year goes by fast." Evan nods.

"I'll call you when we get there?"


"I will."

"Hansen!" He turns his head. Conner. With a... Plant ?

"Got you a going away present, come get it." Jared waits where he is while Evan retries the present. Eyeing Connor. Conner smiles a little.

"Good luck in Jersey, Tree boy. Got you a-"

"Bonsai! Conner, thank you so much!"

"Figured you'd want a friend to take with you, huh? Zoe helped pick it out, she wanted me to say she'll miss you."

"I'll... I'll miss her too. " Jared doesn't have to worry. He's got him marked.

"Well... I'll miss you too."

"... You too, Conner. Be good, okay? For me?"

"No promises. Get your cute little ass back over there before Jared murders me with his eyes." Evan giggles.

"Will do. Be safe, Conner."

"You too." then Evan is jogging back over to Jared and Conner is turning to leave.

"I love you Ev." Evan smiles brightly.

"I love you too." half an hour later, Evan is in the passenger seat, curled into a ball, headphones in his ears, dreading New Jersey.

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