~Chapter Thirty-Five~

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"Fucking tell me what it says!!"

"P-Positive." Connor swallows.

"The test came back positive." Evan pales. he looks like he'll cry, or vomit, or pass out, or all three. Jared walks over and goes to hold Evan.

"Remember what I said. You remember what I said?" He starts breathing faster.

"I'm too young, I'm too young, Jared, I don't want his baby, I don't want this, I can't- Jared-" Connor is still frozen in place.

"Shh shh baby. It's going to be okay. It's gonna be rough but it's going to be okay." They need to tell his mom. Jared plans to get that man at least fired from his job. Connor drops the results to wrap his arms around them both.

"Evan, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." Jared's heart is broken and he's so angry. But he stays gentle with Evan. Evan is just bawling, he's so scared and angry and he want's to go back in time to when he DIDN'T fuck up. Mrs. Hansen walks into the room.

"Evan, honey whats wrong?" Jared and Connor break away so Mrs. Hansen could be with her son. He immediately clutches her close and just continues to sob, apologizing for being stupid and awful and how this is all his fault.

"Shh, calm down, Ev you gotta tell me what happened." She looks to Jared, very concerned.

"When Kevin- When he- he didn't- he- it wasn't safe sex, I- I'm-!"

"Okay okay, shh." She starts rubbing circles on his back as Jared walks up and explains everything. He's just hysterical, not consoling him.

"Oh, oh dear..... Ev, honey why did you tell me this man raped you?"

"Because it was my fault, because who's going to believe me, and even if they did, he can use the fact that I was in heat against me, because you'd think me broken and ruined and I am so ashamed and -!"

"Evan, honey, I love you no matter what happens. We just... have to go make this right. And if you wanted, we could give up the baby for adoption. I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to keep it either.."

"I don't know, I don't even want to carry it!"

"Evan, babe, please, calm down." Connor puts a hand on his shoulder. Mrs. Hansen ignores the fact of that for now.

"It's going to be okay Ev." Evan chokes on tears.

"It's not. It's not, I'm ruined." Jared engulfs him in another hug.

"You aren't ruined. I promise you everything will be okay." They eventually calm him down and all there's left to do is prepare. Mrs. Hansen has to tell Mr. Heere. Jeremy and Michael find out from Jared later that day. Those are the only people to ever know about this. Evan spends the rest of the day curled up in his bed, upset as hell. Jared and Connor stay with him. making sure he doesn't freak out. Michael and Jeremy spend some time in there with them.

"This is really fucked up, Ev, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah.." Jared gets up,

"I'll be back Ev." He looks at Connor, he already told him what he was going to do. Connor nods, shifting to hold Evan closer. Then Jared's off and driving to the park. Asking to speak to a very specific ranger. Saying that he promises that it's only going to be talking. He is allowed under the condition that another ranger, named Casey, supervises.

"Casey, I know you have to be here, But this is really personal stuff and I really wouldn't mind if you listened. All I'm doing is giving Kevin a.... stern talking to."

"....... okay?" Kevin, broken nose and all, scowls.

"All right. So?"

"So, you remember Evan right? And you remember how you supposedly "Made love" ?"

"Course. How could I forget a pussy good as his?" he grins. Jared has to take a deep breath.

"Well, I don't know what you call Love, but raping someone isn't love. And because of you, he's holding a child. So let me how fucking ecstatic you are that you ruined his god damn life." His grin fades.

"He's what?"

"He's pregnant with your child, who by the way is now my child. But how do you feel, huh? You feel guilty? That you raped a high schooler and got him pregnant so that he can't even graduate? Because we all know that once he starts showin' that he isn't going to want to go back to school." Casey is absolutely stunned. Kevin is definitely getting fired.

"I... Guh... I didn't mean to..."

"Yeah, uhuh. You can say sorry all you want but that's not going to fix his life."

"Oh my God..."

"You're lucky he's got someone like me who cares about him no matter what. If he didn't, and this is absolutely true, He would've offed himself. How would you feel if you were the reason he had killed himself and his unborn baby?" He's just trying to make him feel so bad. he wants him to. he deserves it.

"I... Fuck, I..." he doesn't know what to say. He's definitely getting reported. You can see in Jared's eyes how mad he is about this. how he cares so much about Evan.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I fucked his life up."

"Not only his life.." Without adding anything he turns to Casey as they starts to walk out. Kevin had to get back to work, he can't deal with this shit. Jared leaves and starts his way home. He's only just slightly satisfied with dealing with Kevin. He will never be satisfied. When he gets home, Evan hasn't moved. Connor is murmuring soft words to him, telling him it's not his fault, that they've got him and is going to be okay. Michael and Jeremy have left. Jared gets back into bed with them. wrapping his arms around Evan. Evan whispers

"Where did you go?"

"Out. I had some things I needed to do."

"Don't leave again?"

"I won't. promise." The three of them stay in bed together the rest of the day. It's nice.

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