~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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"Evan, baby, why're you still awake?"

"... Can't sleep..."

"Bull. I can see how tired you are"

"I don't... Want to."

"You need to sleep Ev."

"If I do, I'll just... I'll just have another nightmare like last night and every night since - since Kevin and since you got here, and..."

"Well... I'm gonna stay up with you then"

"No. Go to sleep."

"I already got some sleep. I'm good"

"... Fine."

"I love you. I'm here for you Ev"

"... I can see it every time I close my eyes."

"Try thinking of something else. Like our wedding day." He nods.

"Wear a black suit, I'll wear white."

"And you're walking down the isle, me waiting for you at the other end."

"I'll carry a bouquet."

"I smile at you. Tell you that you look absolutely gorgeous"

"I'll cry. I know I will."

"We both will."

"I can see it. Connor will be my best man. My mom will cry."

"It'll be the best wedding"

"It will."

"I'll take your hands in mine. Maybe kiss them. Stare deep into your eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I could look at them all day." Evan smiles a little. His eyelids droop.

"And I love yours. I love how you look at me, I love you." Jared smiles.

"And we say our vows and I smile the biggest smile, saying "I do" "

"And I'll dip you when we kiss. It'll be like a movie."

"I'll make that kiss seem like it lasts forever."

"Please do..." then he's dozing off.

"We'd have our honey moon anywhere you want. Somewhere out in nature cause I know you love that. It'd be just the two of us"

"Mhm..." Jared goes on and on about it quietly until Evan falls asleep. Jared's done good. Very good. Evan doesn't even have a nightmare that night. Jared falls asleep too. It's nice in that hospital room. Even though it's super uncomfortable. Jared isn't there too terribly much longer. He heals relatively quick.

"Alright. Ev, they're letting me out today. We gotta go get those fuckin' adoption papers signed."

"Right... And... And you don't want me to meet her, so...?"

"She's already signed them. I just need God mom to. But I am going to go say bye to her before she leave for Cali."

"All right. Okay."

"So I'll go with you for the papers. She's gonna meet us there. You two just stay inside alright? ........ I really think it's for the best that you don't meet her"

"... If you think it's best, Jared..." Jared kisses his forehead and smiles at him. It's a little weak.

"Be careful?"

"I will. Promise. She isn't like my dad or anything."

"Just... Just making sure... If she's let you stay with him this long..."

"She didn't have control over that"

"... You're right, I'm sorry, that was terrible, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Ev. Really." He nods. Jared gets out and Mrs. Hanson drives them to the police station to sign the papers. Evan feels like he has to be extra careful with what he does now. With everything. Jared signs his part and Kisses Evans cheek.

"I'll be back" Evan nods and stays with his mom. Jared walks out and says his goodbyes to Hannah.

"I'll... try to keep more in touch"

"You better" Evan fidgets. He just wants to go home. Jared walks back inside.

"That's it. We're taking you home. We can stop by your house to get some stuff that you want."

"..... Sure.." he knows his room is trashed. But maybe there's some things still left. Evan insists in going in with him when they arrive. For support. Jared's holding his hand tight when they get to his room. It's an absolute mess.

"... I don't know if anything in here is still intact..." he walks over, computer is broke. Then his closet. Letting go of Evan to use two hands to dig in deep. Evan is nervous. He doesn't like this room like this. Not at all. It isn't as familiar and comfortable as he remembers, it makes him anxious.

"Thank god he didn't find these"

"find what?" He pulls out a box, opening it to find pictures and other assortments. All of him and Evan. Evan is very quiet looking at these pictures over Jared's shoulder. He smiles.

"Thank God."

"I think this is all I have left..."

"... At least you've got it."

"Yeah..." He takes Evan's hand, squeezing it the slightest bit.

"... Are you okay?"

"I......... no..." Evan doesn't know what to do.

"Let's just.... lets just go. I don't want to be here anymore." Evan nods and squeezes his hand a little. They walk out, Jared only carrying te box.

"Is that all you want?"

"It's the only thing that was left..."

"We should just leave we... Do you want to say goodbye to Connor?" Jared pauses but nods. So they head to the Murphy house.

"I'll be back Ev. It won't take long." Then he's out and knocking on their door. Evan's already said bye to Connor and Zoe. It's Larry that gets the door.

"Jared. I thought you'd left." He's surprised to see him.

"We were about to. I just wanted to say my goodbye's to Connor and Zoe.."

"Ah. Zoe isn't here, but Connor is up in his room."

"Thanks Mr. Murphy...." he moves up to Connors room and knocks.

Connor shouts "No, Larry, I'm fucking staying in here all day, thanks."

"Connor? Can I come in?"

"Shit, Jared? Come in, come in." He walks in, smiling a little.

"Hey..." Connor is on his bed knees pulled up to his chest. He looks severely upset. He's going to be alone again. He isn't ready. Jared smile fades.

"Connor, Con. Are you okay?"

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