~Chapter Forty-Two~

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Je: [Hey, babe. I just got back home from the doctors]

M: [Good, I was worried. what are you gonna do til I get home?]

Je: [I don't know. Prolly just lay around...]

M: [How ya feelin?]

Je: [My stomach hurts...]

M: [God, I'm so sorry...]

Je: [Its fine. Nothing you can control]

M: [I hope you know I'm scenting the fuck outta you when I get home btw]

Je: [You always do~ ❤️]

("You are going to want to get on some sort of medication.")

"I know.... I can't do it tonight. We just have to wait for the results."

("Don't even bring it up to Michael until you've gotten the results back if you don't want him to know about me.")

"I know......" he looks at Rich.

"I do think I just have bulimia.." Rich hesitates.

"....I didn't know that's why you're so... Fragile."

"Yeah... and according to my Squip I've had it for six years...."

"Goddamn. You been purging and binging for six years and nobody noticed?"

"Yeah....... Michael would've noticed except I always make sure to do it when he's not around and... my dad just doesn't pay attention to me.."


"I didn't think I'd actually get something from it...."

"Huh... I'm... I'm sorry to here that, dude."

"So.... I'm either really sick or really sick and Pregnant.."

"I'm hoping for the first one cause then you can get help and not like... endanger a baby.

"Yeah..... god I can't do that.."

"Fingers crossed..." Rich stays with Jeremy until he has to leave before Michael and Jake get home.

"It was nice having you here. Having company.."

"Any time... now that we're friends. Or whatever"

"Yeah. You better leave. Michael will be here soon."

"I got it, I'm gone. gotta get home before Jake does anyway."

"Be careful Rich."

"Always am." Then he's gone. Jeremy flops onto the couch, waiting for Michael, Evan and Jared to get home. When they do, Michael is immediately all over Jeremy. Jeremy loves it.

"mmm Mikey."

"I've been so damn worried about you, does your stomach still hurt?" He's definitely scenting the fuck outta him.

"Yeah, be careful." He makes a sympathetic sound.

"You poor thing..." That's the same thing the Squip told him..

"Want me to come back later and stay the night?" he fidgets with his hoodie. Michael... isn't staying long?

"You aren't going to stay now?"

"...Jeremy, I haven't smoked in two weeks." He says it so quietly.

"I need a blunt and- and I can't smoke around you in case... So I'm gonna... go in a few minutes. and come back after."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I want you to spend the night."

"Cool, I'll be back when I'm cool to drive again."

"How long will I have to wait?"

"Probably an hour or two... Unless you want me to just like... Bring my shit over and smoke in the backyard? Then I'll be high, but I'll be here. "

"........ yeah..."

"... Then five minutes while I get it and another ten for me to smoke." Jeremy sighs.

"Alright.." And after those fifteen minutes, Michael is crawling into the couch, baked and ready to cuddle. Jeremy is almost asleep and jumps awake when he feels someone touch him.

"Jesus Michael..." Michael mumbles

"Sorry, baby..." Jeremy wraps is arms around him.

"You feel better?"

"Mhm. M'not freaking out anymore."

"You still need to be careful with me and laying on my stomach" Michael nods.

"Could go to your bed. More comfortable." He's really feeling a weed nap.

"Yeah, c'mon." Jeremy gets up and gets really REALLY light headed. Stopping a second. Michael pauses.

"... Okay?"

"Yeah... I think so." Michael puts a hand to his lower back.

"You sure?"

("Incoming nausea.")

"No-" Jeremy runs to the nearest bathroom to throw up. Evan and Jared running downstairs when they hear him.


"Just throwing up again... "

"Isn't that morning sickness? at 4 in the afternoon?"

"I don't know... I'm so fuckin scared and confused."

"God- I hurt so much..."

"Jeremy you need us to do anything for you, babe?"

"Um, maybe- maybe get you some water?"

"Yes- please-"

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