~Chapter Thirty-Eight~

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("Hello, Jeremiah. Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.")

"My what??"

("Your Squip.")

"Jeremiah, baby, what the fuck??"

"What the fuck is a Squip?" He grabs Michael's arm and squeezing it.

"A what??"

("I'm a supercomputer. I'm meant to improve your life. Quite frankly, it needs improvement.")

"Can..... can Michael see you?"

("No. No one but you can. No one can hear me either, so you may want to stop talking to me out loud.")

"Jeremy, you're freaking me out, man."

"IT'S freaking me out!"

"What's IT??"

"It calls itself a Squip and it looks like fucking Keanu Reeves."

"A fuckin whAT??"

("This is only my default form.") Jeremy shrugs and looks so confused.

("Explain it to him. He's going to panic.")

"Jeremy, did- the pill, oh - it is a drug isn't it, oh fuck, oh fuck -"

"Michael, It's not a drug. Well I mean it is, but not in the way you're thinking."

"You're tripping out, aren't you?? You're hallucinating, aren't you??"

"I'm not!" ("Am I?")

("You aren't.")

"Michael I'm fine, I promise."

"You were SCREAMING, Jeremy!"

"That was just the major headache, which I still have by the way. I need some Advil or something."

"....And the Keanu Reeves?" Jeremy looks back over and.... he's gone.

"........ not there.."

"....so you hallucinated it."

".......... I guess. I give you full permission to beat Rich's face in tomorrow."

"Good. I plan to. Lemme get you that Advil." Jeremy gets the Advil and they go to sleep just like they planned to.

("Tomorrow will be a big day, Jeremy.") Jeremy opens his eyes. He wasn't hallucinating.

("Sleep well.")

The next day at school, it's starts off good when Rich rushes up to Jeremy.

"You did it??"

"Uh.... yeah?"

"Sweet! It'll be great, promise!"



("His Squip is... Interesting.")

("What does that mean?")

("It's... It's a frog, Jeremy.")

"A frog????"

"......He's talkin about me, ain't he?"


"Fair. It's Kermit the frog, actually. Evil Kermit. the meme."

"That's weird..."

"Gets the job done."

"So.... yeah. Don't get in sight distance of Michael. He's gonna kill you."

"Fair I guess. Or fatass will get his face beaten in for the second day in a row."

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