~Chapter Twenty~

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"Well... Jared and I are dating"

"You two aren't really subtle about that." Evan chuckles nervously.

"Figures... The next one is... Is a little drastic, so bear with me, all right?"

"..... alright." Evan takes a breath, reaching up to tug at the collar of his shirt.

"Please don't freak out."

"Ev, honey, you don't have to show me." She's smiling sweetly. His face instantly heats up. Perhaps he wasn't as careful as he thought.

"You... Y-You know about my m-mark?"

"Well no, not really. But if how you were acting right now an about to show me your shoulder? I could've guessed"

"Told you she wasn't stupid"

"I could've been hiding anything there! A tattoo, something!" he takes a breath.

"So... So you aren't mad?"

"Not at all. I got my Mark about two years younger than you"

"Oh thank God, I was terrified..." Jared smiles and squeezes his hand again.

"Okay. Glad I could get that off my chest, I feel ten pounds lighter."

"That's good. So I'll just go talk to the Murphy's about the whole court-adoption thing. Leave you two to yourselves."

"All right. Thanks, mom."

"No problem, Ev." Then she leaves.

"This is real right?"

"I was wondering the same thing. I think so." Jared smiles up at him.

"Y'know what I haven't done in awhile?" He smiles down at him.

"What's that?"

"Kiss you."

"Then today is your lucky day. Sorry about my swollen lip."

"I can deal. Get down here" Evan leans down to kiss Jared gently. Jared's missed this too much. Evan has too. When they part he lays their foreheads together.

"I hope you come with us."

"Me too.. I love you so much"

"I love you too." Evan stays with Jared that night.

"You can't be comfortable in the hospital chair."

"Wouldn't be comfortable anywhere right now, baby."

".... do you think you can fit in the bed? I'm pretty small"

"... Maybe." he gets up to try fitting in the bed. He fits! He's glad, but like he said, he isn't comfortable anywhere. He's got too many bruises. Jared isn't comfortable either with all the cuts touching things that aren't air. Even his shoulder cuts.

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