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When Higgs woke up, he sneezed and looked down at his feet where they were exposed from under the covers. He blinked and then got up, going to the wash basin to wash his face. It seemed so far away from him... He checked his legs and found the wounds were still there and stinging a little. He used the bathroom, almost missing the chamber pot. He headed to the kitchen to see what Merida was making that smelled so good.

Merida whipped some eggs in a bowl when she heard the fourth loud thud with an accompanying 'damn it to bloody hell' from the house.
"I'm going to be even dumber than usual with all this knocking about." Higgs snarled as he came into the kitchen.
Merida glanced up at him and then stared.
"I believe ye accidentally got into yer phoenix clothing."
"No..." he grumbled, sitting down slowly. "I'm an ogre."
"Well, yer not pleasant in the mornings, that's for sure."
"No, I mean, I'm turning into one. Damn it all. None of my clothes fit me anymore and the doorways end up hitting me in the face."
"Is that what all that racket was about?"
"That what?"
"Racket." He turned his head at her in confusion. "Noise?"
"Oh, yeah. You'll have to excuse me this month, Ms. Dunbrough. This form isn't very smart so sometimes it catches on and sometime it doesn't... most of the time it's the latter."
"I suppose my accent will make it that much harder."
"Probably. I'm going to have to get new clothes."
"Ye dinnae have any from before?"
"Uh..." He looked away. "I usually just walk about naked... maybe in my sleeping gown."
Merida blinked rapidly. "Why?"
"It's easier for the changing. That's why I'm so tall. But since you're in the house, it's either get some clothes fixed or... not."
"I'll take yer measurements and go to town." Merida took in his much taller form and smiled. "Now ye can help me get some apples out of the trees behind the manor. There's a few that are high in the tree that I want."
"Now I'm a ladder?"
"Ye can help about the house sometimes ye ken. I'm only one person."
"Well if you can get staff for me then we'll talk."
"Yer da has staff, why can ye not get any?"
"The way is hard and long and really changing."
"Ugh, this mind!" he growled, hitting his head. "The ogre's mind is pretty basic so trying to find the right words sometimes is hard."
"Well, take yer time. Breakfast is almost done."
Higgs tried to think of the words he needed to use in order to make what he wanted to say understandable.
"Alright uh... My parents take a really long time to get people for their house. The potential staff has to work for both my mother and my father, going back and forth every other month. At the end of a year, those of the new staff that could put up with my father get to stay while the others are sent away. The staff switches houses every six months with the exception of Davros and Catherine. They forever stay at my father's side."
"Then maybe we should start doing that."
"It's too hard."
"Then if ye arenae going to get more people to help around here then ye're just going to have to help me with chores yerself. It isnae fair that I have to do the work of ten people... So, first thing's first, ye can go get me those apples that I want and then find some bright cloth and we'll nail them to the doorjambs so that ye dinnae keep whacking your noggin on the door frame."
"Yes ma'am... Merida?"
"You're not afraid of me, right?"
"Of course not ye divvy child."
"I hope it stays that way. You're like the way Davros is to my father; you're my best friend, Merida."
Merida smiled at him. "I feel the same way about ye, lad. Although I want to forewarn ye that being afraid of ye doesnae mean I will leave ye. I'm sure there are forms that cause fear but it's going past it that makes someone brave. There will be forms that make me afeart but I promise that I willnae leave ye to face them alone. That is the difference between the other maids and me. They ran away when they were afeart, I willnae do such a thing. I willnae leave ye." Higgs smiled. "Now, go get me those apples." She said, handing him the basket.
He made a face at her and headed out of the kitchen. He stopped with his arm on the doorjamb.
"Oh, and send for Dr. Graves. The cuts on my leg are still very sore but I can maneuver better with them. He needs to come before sunset or things will get... complicated."
Merida nodded as he left.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now