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Lying in bed, I turned over to see the time; 6:05 am. I couldn't say why I was awake. I was sound asleep until I sat up in bed with sweat drenched across my forehead. Grace was still asleep, but I was on the edge of the bed trying my hardest to stay away from her. I hated to be so rude to her but she really pushed my buttons. She made me angry all the time and I didn't know why. Thinking of the night I messed things up, something didn't seem right. Is it weird that now that I go back to that Night that I can't remember a single thing after we left the club?

I remember suggesting on going back to the hotel in my drunken state, but everything after that is a blur. Was I that drunk? Something doesn't feel right.

Getting out of bed, I looked back at Grace feeling this sudden paranoia overcome my mind. Many questions running through my mind all at once.

Did she have something to do with this?

Shaking my head at the impossible circumstances, my mind drifted to the time Jason visited me. Why does he care about my daughter? He's never cared about anything I've ever accomplished in my life and now he wants to know everything. It's all too good to be true to think he actually cares.

"What ever happened to that Rose chick?"

"She's a very beautiful woman..."

"Don't worry we just had a little chat..."

A chill went up my spine at the thought of him approaching her at all. I couldn't help but think if Jason ever put his hands on her. If he even looked her way, I would-

"Justin, will you stop walking around?" Grace snapped groggily. "I'm trying to sleep."

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a seat beside her on the bed. "Yeah... sorry, just stressing." Breathing out, I ran a hand through my hair.

Grace placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. I expected to flinch at her touch, but I didn't, only seeing she was just concerned about me. "Are you okay? You've been... on edge lately." She asked worried.

Turning my head to look at her, I pulled my lips to the side, a small smirk tugging at my lips. "Thanks for the concern, Grace. I just..." I trailed off not really knowing how to explain the feeling in my chest.

When I least expected it, Grace kissed me. Pulling away at the sudden contact, her cheeks went red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry... that was wrong."

Chuckling, I shrugged nonchalantly not getting angry at her for once. "You're fine, sweetheart," I closed my eyes, laying back on the bed to relax.

"I'm just going to get some more sleep..." I trailed off as sleep took over my body once again.


"Grandma?" A high pitched voice yelled, causing my eyes to flutter open. "Justin won't wake up!" Jazzy whined sitting beside of on the bed.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I licked my lips, sitting up to see Jazzy beside me and Jaxon staring at me. "He's awake!" Jazzy yelled from the room. "Gosh, Jaz, could you calm down." I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Mommy just got here, Justin." Jazzy pulled at my arm. "You gotta come see her."

Sitting up in the bed, I looked at Jazzy and Jaxon smiling up at me to get out of bed. "What time is it?" I asked scratching the back of my head.

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