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Two Years Later . . .

Justin and Rose had spent the last two years in bliss, in their new household, along with a baby boy on the way. On that day when Justin surprised Rose, he had proposed to her in a Indian restaurant in London, where they had their first real kiss and he had asked her to be his. Now, husband and wife– among these two years, a lot had went on, such as Grace finding a liking towards Dan (finally) and moving in with him and her child, Renée. Now things were calm... memorable, like drinking a cool glass of pink lemonade while sprawling out on the beach in the summer. That was what they thought it would continue to be until someone knocked on the door.

"I got the door baby, you just keep talking to Drew." Justin whispered to his wife as she lay on their shared bed. Little Drew had been kicking all morning and it had Justin smiling like an idiot and Rose sighing in contentment.

Two more months until he'd finally see his son.

Without a worry, Justin kept his bright smile plastered on his face and opened the door. What he hadn't expected was to see his older brother, Jason; his eyes puffy with fresh tears and his hair and clothes disheveled among belief.

"Jason..." Justin's smile faltered only slightly, he wasn't going to let his brother ruin his mood.

"Justin... um, I came to– to," He didn't look like himself. His usual facade would be to have a cocky smirk plastered and throwing rude remarks but now he was stuttering and leaning against the door frame unsure of himself.

"I-I don't mean to intrude..." he let out a frustrated sigh before cursing to himself under his breath. "Never mind, just forget it." He waved his hand weakly and turned on his heel to leave before a hand gripped his wrist.

"No... stay– actually why don't you come in? Have a cup of tea?" Justin suggested with a raised eyebrow and a bit of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, sure– wait? You hate tea." He stated.

Justin chuckled while pulling his brother inside the warm house. "Well, that's true, but my wife has been craving tea lately and so I've grown to love it with her." Justin blushed a bit as it was still weird saying the word wife.

"Wife?" Jason ran a hand through his hair and took a seat on the couch, more on the edge of the cushion. He felt he was interrupting something he was clearly not allowed to be apart of; his brother's life.

"Yes... Rose, you remember her?" Justin said more of a question than a statement. He himself was a little awkward with Jason's presence as well.

"Oh." Jason remembered clearly why Rose hated his guts. He intentionally ruined their relationship and for that he finally continued to explain why he was there in the first place.

"I came to apologize."

There was silence after that statement, also followed by a creak of the floor boards, causing them both to turn towards the staircase. Rose had become impatient waiting on Justin to come back to bed so she had gotten up herself to see what the problem was.

Justin sprung up from his seat immediately and rushed over to her side. For months he had been on edge and was extra careful with handling everything in the house and letting Rose relax since she was carrying their child. He wanted her to be healthy with no stress what so ever.

"Baby, are you okay? Need anything? Is Drew still kicking? Let me help you back up the stairs–"

"Wow, Justin. I would have never imagined you'd be this cautious and worried about your pregnant wife."

"Jason?" Rose lifted an eyebrow and moved her husband aside to walk towards Jason on the couch.

"Hi, Rose," he replied awkwardly. "I just c-came to apologize for all the shit I've done to you and Justin and I know I'm two years late– you're happy with my little brother and that's all that matters. I don't want to fuck up anymore than I already have. I lost my job and I'm moving to–"

"You lost your job?" Justin hadn't meant to cut him off but if there was anything Jason never made a mistake on, it was his job at the company.

Jason rubbed at his nose before dropping his head shamefully. "Yes," he mumbled, he was embarrassed to admit it but it was the truth. His father always pegged him for being the perfect son but he was anything but that. If anything, he was a failure compared to his brother and he wasn't going to sugarcoat it and say he wasn't completely wrecked this past week trying to find a place to stay since he couldn't pay his many unpayed bills.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Even though we've had our differences, I know you loved working there." Justin smiled a little before continuing. "Hell, you lived and breathed that job more than I had."

"Sorry, about that Jason." Rose said quietly while patting his shoulder lightly.

After another year of stress and late nights without Rose by his side everyday, Justin had found it hard to work at the company anymore. No one knew exactly where he had resigned to yet but Dan had hooked him up with his uncle at a restaurant where Justin could make a good salary and make it home in time for dinner.

"How'd you'd lose it anyways? I never heard why."

"Grace accused me for being abusive towards her while she was pregnant and afterwards when she had Renée and I spent a few nights in jail before I was bailed out by the company. Then the next day, I was called in and told to pack my things and get the hell out. So here I am trying to make amends before I find a new place." Jason leaned into the cushions of the couch and crossed his arms.

Both Justin and Rose were dumbfounded, shocked almost by the news but they hadn't heard from Grace in months and now it all made sense. It must of been hard for her to confess about that ordeal after two years. Rose would have to have a talk with her later.

"But I just wanted to say that much and get out of your way." Jason stood up from the couch on his way to leave. He himself was on the verge of spilling a few tears but he held up his composure well.

"Wait, will I see you again?" Justin asked, his own eyes watering when it dawned on him that he might not see his brother ever again.

Jason turned around with a tight smile, his hands shoved in his pockets. "I don't know, but congratulations on the wedding and the baby. I may not seem like I am, but I am extremely proud of you. You were always able to do great things... e-even when dad was hard on you. Truth is..." Jason sighed before suddenly pulling Justin into a tight hug. "I've always been jealous of you. No matter how m-much I would try, you always did better, you've always been a better son and brother than I was. I love you, Justin." Wet tears fell onto his shoulder as he shook and cried into his little brother's embrace.

"Do great things little bro... I know you'll be an amazing father to the both of them."  Jason gestured towards Rose's stomach and Renée.

"I love you too..." Justin let go of him, he too had a tear rolling down his cheek. Before he knew it, the door was closed and the house was quiet again.

He hadn't noticed before, but now he was sure that he really would miss his brother. He hoped that things would work out and that he would finally be at peace with his sins and be happy.

Justin knew in a month or so his brother would surely come knocking at unreasonable hours and he was ready to help him. No one knew but Jason had a heart, he loved, Justin had always known that their whole lives and that was their little secret.

The End.

* * *

I feel like that ending wasn't the best buuut, I hope you enjoyed this book anyway. Sorry the last update took forever and it was only to finish off this book.

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