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"Hello?" Jason answered the phone for the third time raising the anger that I was trying to keep at bay.

"What fucking lies did you tell my mother?" Anger seeped through every word that I spoke.

There was silence; the cold air blowing through my blonde hair. I knew I looked like a mad man as people passed by, but I had no care for what people thought. Right now I was angry at my brother for telling lies about something that will never happen. Sitting on a bench, I waited for him to respond.

"I told her what she needs to know. Aren't you going to marry sweet Grace now that you've had Renée?" Now it was my turn to be silent as my mind recoiled in fear.

"I never told you the name of my baby." I said a matter-of-factly.

Grace and Jason didn't know each other, I was sure of that but I hadn't told anyone else. Something wasn't right. The way he spoke, the way Grace was always tense and quiet whenever I would speak of Renée.

His low raspy voice chuckled in the utmost menacing way. It sent shivers up my spine like the cold wind didn't. "I think it's time you find out the truth little brother. I feel this has gone on for far too long." He spoke.

I didn't want to know but I couldn't let go of the questions that continuously popped into my mind. It scared me how nice and closed up Jason had become since the baby. He was never like that, he was he type of man to speak his mind no matter the subject and he was a cold heartless man. No one would take him as a nice man. I don't trust anything he saids but I wanted to know.

"Tell me." I demanded getting impatient with the silence. My thoughts were eating me alive.

"Are you sure? I don't want to break your little heart." He teased holding back what it was he wanted to tell me.

I scolded.

"McCann, I don't have time for games!" I hissed through the phone.

My cheeks blushed seeing an old woman sitting beside me bewildered by my outburst. Waving sweetly at her, I stood up to let her have the bench to herself.

"Ya know, she's very adorable." I clenched my jaw. "It wouldn't be right if she didn't get to know that I was her real father." I stopped in my tracks. It felt like slow motion as my phone slipped out of my grasp onto the concrete.

I had just made it back to my grandparents house. I didn't give a shit when Grace came running my way. My knees gave out, letting me fall onto the grass. I dropped my head into my hands, anger, loathing, and sadness trying to pry its way outside all at once.

It's not mine.

That's not my daughter.

It angered me that Grace knew of the truth this whole time, making me think I got her pregnant. Wasting my time. Renée wasn't mine but I signed the birth certificate, I named her, I almost dropped everything for that woman just to be with my child and its fucking Jason's.

Did we even fuck?

I yanked my hair, not comprehending the people that repeated my name in concern. I was going to have a panic attack. After months of therapy, it comes back to bite me in the ass. I hadn't had one in forever; somehow my baby was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. Now that's out the window and I'm going insane. Everyone wanted to help me, to know what was wrong, but I just gave out. My body fell to the ground curling up into a ball.

Why did I feel so broken?

I should be yelling at Grace, ripping her head off for lying, but I couldn't. I just felt broken. Realization hit that the one good thing in my life was ruined because of my brother. The woman I loved with all of me, the woman that showed me that I could be loved. That my broken relationship with my mother could be fixed.

Our Little Secret [Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now