Langst Five (Part Two) - When You Don't Believe

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TW - mentions of homophobia, slurs.

He wasn't. How could he be? How could he be sure?! He was the opposite of sure. If there were a word for "opposite of sure/liar" it would be "Lance".

"Yeah, Keith gets worries about the little stuff." Lance fibbed. "He probably misjudged some stupid comment I made." Lance realized the reason he was lying was tied to something Keith had said earlier.

"I specifically asked everyone not to tell you..."

Lance knew that Hunk knew something that he wasn't telling him. They had been best friends since, well, practically birth. But Hunk was now lying to him for Keith? Keith, who they had known for less than two years, and through Shiro, Lance's role model and idol. He cursed the day Katie suggested that Shiro introduce Keith to everyone.

At first he had loved the Asian teen. But slowly, he learned that Keith didn't seem to like him. In fact, it seemed that Keith hated him.


Keith had fucked up. He had fucked up real bad.

First, he pushed Lance away. He didn't want Lance to know he had a crush on him. Obviously, the guy was straighter than... Well, Keith. He didn't want him to know about his attempted suicide that took place shortly after the death of his father. Not to mention that it was the same day he was diagnosed with extreme bipolar disorder.

Basically, he didn't want Lance to think he was even more of a loser.

But then, Lance had known... Or at least, Keith thought he knew. But he was actually going through similar trouble, and Keith had yelled at him and ignored him and accused him and he just...

He couldn't find any razors.

He couldn't find any of his goddamned​ razors.


As Lance and Hunk walked home together, Lance tried not to have a panick attack. He didn't to see Keith. Not after what he did. He still wished he hadn't said anything. He knew Keith was more at blame than him, but he could have avoided the incident on his own.

Still, he didn't want to see Keith. Like, he wanted to see him, but he didn't want to talk to him. He was tired of feeling like a fifth wheel. Seventh wheel, if he counted Coran and Allura, two friends of everyone's that had graduated a year ago.

But Lance and Hunk got to the house, the only one waiting for them was Katie. She waved hello before going back to typing something on her laptop. The two boys walked past her her carefully and entered the house.

"Are you okay, Lance?" Shiro asked, leaning over the counter. It seemed he had been waiting for them.

"I'm fine." Lance forced a smile.

"That's bullshit." Keith said softly, walking up to Lance from behind. "I know that you're hurting, Lance, and if you-"

"No." Lance said hotly.

"But, Lance-" Shiro started. Hunk sent a glare his way, something he rarely did. Shiro knew better than to continue.

"Look, I'm obviously going through some stuff. So is everyone else. It's fine. I'm fine." Lance repeated.

"Lance, even I know that's a lie." Hunk crossed his arms. "Please, the truth?"

"I..." Lance bit his lower lip. He closed his eyes. "I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and OCD earlier this week, and... My mom died. I can't even afford a plane ticket over to her to attend her funeral." Lance brought a hand up to wipe the tears from his face. As he did, one of his sleeves fell down, revealing his scars. There weren't very many new cuts, but against the scabbed over lines, the thin, slight paler than normal scars were plain as day.

How did Keith not see them?

Keith grabbed Lance and pulled him into the bathroom. Once the door was closed, he attacked Lance with a hug.

"Don't you ever cut again..." He whispered. "I love you so much, please don't hurt yourself like this."

"W-what?" Lance blinked in confusion. "I - you love me?"

"I, uh..." Keith tried to step out of the embrace but Lance pulled him closer.

"Look, why didn't you tell me? About trying to kill yourself?" Lance asked softly. He knew that soon the conversation would switch back to him again, but he needed to know. If Keith didn't trust him, he would have to be a better friend.

"I didn't want you to hate me." Keith said after a moment of silence.

"Why would I hate you?" Lance asked. He loved Keith! Granted, Keith didn't know, but still!

"Because... Because others did. I'm not normal, Lance. There are things about me that aren't right. That I've been told are-"

"What do you believe, though?"


"Do you believe anything is wrong with you?" Lance asked, grabbing Keith's hand.

"I don't know what to believe anymore. But I want to be better friends with you. I don't want anyone to feel what I felt."

"Keith, what things are you talking about? Any disorders you've been diagnosed with aren't you. You may have depression, but you're not always depressed."


"I'm gay." Keith bit his lip. "I'm... I'm a fag."

"Who told you that?" Lance asked gently.

"My... My dad. I told him in high school that I was gay, and he... He beat me. I got a girlfriend to make him stop. I can't seem to fix myself. I've heard that shock therapy can fix-"

"There is nothing to fix." Lance assured him.

"But, my dad... He-"

"He was wrong. He's just homophobic, Keith. Don't be afraid to embrace yourself. You can be as gay as you want." Oh God, did Lance know how much Keith wanted to kiss him? But what were the odds that Lance would want Keith? After what he said, what he did...

"Can you give me an example?" Keith asked. He blushed immediately. He didn't meant to say that, what would Lance think?!

"Sure." The Cuban boy said, pulling the Asian boy into a kiss. He felt Keith's cheeks heat up, and his arms reach past his neck. Keith played with Lance's hair as they pulled away from each other. Lance smiled at him.

"Was that a good enough example?"

"I believe so."

YEE HAW!! The next one may or may not be some angstless smut.

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