Langst Twenty-Three - Mask

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Spider-Man AU. Some character identities will change, some will stay the same. This AU is a mash-up of all aspects of the Spider-Man multiverse, including things from Civil War/Homecoming, Ultimate Spiderman and Marvel's Spiderman on Disney XD.

Keith glared at Lance McClain's head. They were stuck in an all-school assembly, and he was sitting behind Lance.

Lance wasn't necessarily that bad. He was just consistently annoying. No matter what happened, he always ran off or made weird jokes.

"And now, Katie Holt." The principal was introducing one of Lance's friends, Pidge, who was (apparently) one the top five smartest people on Earth. The auditorium erupted with applause - everyone loved Katie. She was a genius.

"Thanks, Mr. Iverson." Katie smiled and stepped up to the podium sitting in the middle of the stage. "As you know, there is a new school opening soon for geniuses and hard-working students. My friends and I from Altea High School would love to show you what we've been working on!"

A man with a metal arm and a girl in a wheelchair came on-stage.

"Hi, I'm Takashi Shirogane. This is Plaxum, and we'd like to show you what the three of us have been working on this year." The girl in the wheelchair - Plaxum - held up a small silver box.

"This is Project Lion. Artificial intelligence that can think and reason like a human." She explained, lowering her arms. She held out the box in Katie's direction.

"Project Lion is almost complete. It is the world's second best artificial intelligence, coming second only to Stark's JARVIS." Katie walked over, took the box, and twisted it. It hissed open, revealed a button. Katie hit the button and a hologram projection of a lion appeared. It roared.

"Project Lion is extremely smart and can identify anyone and anything within seconds. Lion, introduce yourself." Everyone in the auditorium gasped as they heard the same words in their heads. I am the Green Lion.

"Why are you the Green Lion?" Katie asked.

Because I want to be. Green is a pleasing color.

"That's impressive." A high, cold voice rang around the room. Katie looked up, shocked.

"Who was that?" Keith heard Lance mutter.

"No idea." Lance's friend, Hunk, muttered back.

"Give me Project Lion and nobody will be hurt." The voice said.

"What do you mean, no-" Takashi gasped as a man in a purple, goblin-like costume descended slowly from the ceiling. "Z-Zarkon."

"Give me Project Lion, or I will be forced to take it from your cold, dead hands." Zarkon threatened. Keith was terrified - villains had come to his school before, usually looking for Spider-Man, but he had never been this close to any of them. Especially not Zarkon. He was the worst fiend out there.

"Run!" Someone yelled. Katie just stared at Zarkon, unable to move, but many of the students in the auditorium ran out the doors, including Lance. Keith was too shocked and scared to move for a moment, but he eventually started running towards the exit.

"Not so fast, ugly." Spiderman swing into the room and hung from the ceiling. "That sounds pretty illegal, if you ask me."

"You wish to fight me, Spiderman? Fine. You can fight me." Zarkon shot a bomb at the hero, who caught it and threw it back.

"Ooh, and it's a home run!" While Zarkon was incapacitated, Spiderman grabbed Plaxum, Katie, Takashi and Lion, swinging them away. He set them down outside of the auditorium.

"Get that thing as far away from Zarkon as possible." He advised. Katie nodded and ran out the emergency exit. Alarms blared all over the school and water started raining from the ceiling. Zarkon roared and grabbed Plaxum and Keith. Keith stared at Spiderman with wide eyes - could the masked hero save him this time?

"If you want to see these two alive, you will meet me on the roof within one hour with the Lion!" Zarkon flew to the school roof and raised some sort of force field.

"H-help..." Keith muttered before fainting.


Keith screamed as the octopus like robeast dropped him from the top of the building. Oh my God, he was going to die... He was going to die... He was...

Suddenly, he was swinging through the air, in Spiderman's arms, safe and sound.

"Are you okay?" His savior asked.

"Y-yeah." He muttered.

"You're the last hostage, right? There isn't anyone else?"

"N-no, I was the last one." Keith couldn't believe it, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay...

"Great. Let's set you down." Spiderman swung low and dropped him in an alleyway. He was perched upside down, hanging from a web, rain dripping off of his suit...

"Wait!" Keith had pulled the hero's mask halfway down, and kissed him...

And he had kissed back.

"Good luck, Spidey."

"Th-thanks, Keith."


The Korean teen woke up next to Takashi Shirogane, who, like him, was wearing some sort of handcuffs.

"Hey, you're awake!" Takashi whispered. "You were out for a good gen minutes."

"You're Takashi, right?" Keith asked.

"Call me Shiro, please." Shiro flashed him a nervous smile.


"Hey, Zarkon! Yoo-hoo!" Spiderman was knocking on the forcefield, holding a silver box.

"You have the Lion?" Zarkon asked.

"You can't see it, but I'm rolling my eyes right now. What do you think this thing is?" Zarkon scowled and opened the field.

"Give it to me."

"How about you let Keith and Shiro go first?" Zarkon folded his arms.

"No. First I will see if you brought me the real Lion."

"Well, that's a bummer." Spiderman threw the box at Zarkon's face, where it made a satisfying thud.

"Your attempts at trickery will cost you your life." Zarkon growled. He tried to shoot at the masked hero, but he jumped out of the way just in time.

"I don't think so. I think you're going to let Keith and Shiro go before I kick your furry, purple ass." Spiderman kicked Zarkon in the face, sending him backwards. He was winding up for a punch when Zarkon laughed.

"See those cuffs they're wearing? Those will shock them if I want them to." Zarkon grinned and held up his arm, showing off a screen with a lightning symbol on it. "They will die if you don't stop fighing me now."

To Keith's horror, Spiderman pulled his fist away.

"Okay. You win."


"Ah, to finally see the face of my worst enemy..." Zarkon's smile was cruel and toxic, filled with poisoned joy.

He kicked Spiderman in the gut, and while he was doubled over, pulled his mask off.

"Shit." Spiderman gasped. Keith tried to tried to see who was behind the mask, but he couldn't manage to turn around.

"Lance? Lance McClain?" Zarkon burst out laughing. "What a treat! To think what my son, Lotor, your best friend, will say when he finds out!"

Keith couldn't believe it. Lance McClain... Was Spiderman?

To be continued, if you want a sequel. If not it can be left here. So, do you want a sequel?

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