Zone 1

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Eunji was having lunch with Woohyun when she got a text from Sunggyu asking her to meet him at Samsung theaters.

"Sorry Woohyun, I have to go. Can we reschedule this?" she said apologetically.

"Is it an emergency?" he asked sounding disappointed.

"Um...sort of, Sunggyu oppa just invited me to see a movie," she explained.

She grabbed her stuff in order to leave, Woohyun stood up and grabbed her by the wrist "Don't go," he said with pleading eyes.

"Let go of me," she said pushing his hand away.

"Are you always going to run to him like some little lovesick puppy," he said with a serious tone in his voice. She had never heard him sound like this before.

Her phone rang and she quickly answered it.

"Sunggyu oppa, I'm on my way" she said then she giggled "I wasn't doing anything."

She left.

Woohyun sat back down in his chair and slouched then he kicked the chair that Eunji sat on "Aish!" he got up then left.


At the theater.

She came in running, "Oppa I hope you didn't wait too long," she said trying to control her breathing.

"No, not that long. Why don't you get the snacks and I'll get the tickets," Sunggyu said.

She got on line for the snacks. "Should I just get one tub of popcorn that way when he reaches for some popcorn I'll do the same and our hands would be touching and then he'll hold onto my hand and say 'You're the only girl for me, be my girlfriend.'"

After getting the snacks, she went to meet Sunggyu but saw him talking to a girl. "Oppa I got the snacks!" she said.

"Hyuna, this is my friend Eunji and Eunji this Hyuna," Sunggyu said.

"Hyuna as in 4minute's Hyuna!"

She smiled "Yeah, that's me. Am I interrupting?"

"Yes," Eunji said.

"No, you should join us" Sunggyu said.

"But we only have two tickets," Eunji said.

Sunggyu cleared his throat.

"You two go on ahead I just remembered I have something to do," Eunji said.

"Are you sure?" Hyuna asked.

"Yeah, it's not a problem," Eunji said. Eunji slowly inched towards the exit, when she got to the door she turned back and saw Sunggyu and Hyuna laughing. "Oppa never smiled at me like that," she thought to herself.


At the dorm.

Woohyun walked into the dorm and dropped on the couch between Hoya, and Dongwoo.

"I thought you were having lunch with Eunji today," Dongwoo said.

"No, she went to watch a movie with Sunggyu," Woohyun said.

"Hyuna called asking for Sunggyu's whereabouts," Hoya said.

Woohyun took his phone out to text Eunji: 'How's your movie date with Sunggyu going?'

She responded: 'It's going well, we're having fun.'


The next day...

The members of Infinite were practicing in the dance studio. Eunji walked in "I brought food."

She saw Hyuna sitting in a corner watching them, Eunji's smile faded.

The guys rushed over to her.

"Finally we can eat," Sungyeol said.

She opened the box to reveal the pizza.

"Ugh, chicken and cheese, only Sunggyu likes that kind of pizza," Sungyeol said.

"You could just pick the chicken off," Woohyun said.

"It's not the same thing," Sungyeol complained.

"It's ok, I'll go get a regular pizza," Eunji.

"I'll go with you," Woohuyn said.

They left together.

"So what movie did you watch with Sunggyu yesterday?" Woohyun asked.

"We watched 'Rise of the Guardians.' "

"Didn't you like the part when the Easter bunny laid explosive eggs?"

"Oh yeah, that was so cool, it makes you think twice next time you're about to crack an egg."

Woohyun laughed, "That never happened in the movie. I know Hyuna met up with Sunggyu yesterday."

"Yeah, I decided to give her my ticket."

"Why do you constantly do this to yourself?"

"It's not his fault, Sunggyu oppa doesn't know my feelings for him yet."

Woohyun said nothing.

When they got the pizza place they placed their order, a fan came up to them....

"Woohyun oppa, I love you," the fan said.

She noticed Eunji, "Oppa is she your girlfriend?"

"No," Woohyun said "She's just my friend."

"Good" she said. She took her phone out and gave it to Eunji "Can you take a picture of me and Woohyun oppa?"

"Sure," Eunji said.

She zoomed in and cut Woohyun out of the picture then pressed the button, the flash went off. She gave the phone back to the fan.

"You can't see Woohyun oppa in this picture," the fan complained.

She handed Eunji her phone again to take another picture, like before it only showed the girl.

"Order 22, plain cheese pizza is ready," the cashier said.

"That's us," Eunji said. She gave the phone back to the fan. Eunji and Woohyun ran back to the studio before the fan had time to react to the picture after grabbing the pizza.

They arrived back at the studio.

"Yay food I can eat," Sungyeol said.

But before they could eat their manager walked in telling them that they had to leave.

"And your manager told me to bring you along, he'll meet you there," Manager Lee said to Hyuna.

The guys said goodbye to Eunji and apologized for having to leave on short notice.

"Hey hyung what about the pizza?" Sungjong asked.

"Sorry," Manager Lee said as he grabbed the pizza box from Eunji.

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