Zone 5

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Eunji went to work later that day still fuming from earlier, Fine Woohyun doesn't want to see me but I already made plans to attend their live performance today. I was going to watch Sunggyu anyway. I'll beat him at his own game, let's see how long he can stay without talking to me.

After her morning shift she went over to their rehearsal in the dance studio. "Hi Eunji," Sunggyu said.

"Noona how were we?" Sungyeol asked.

"Great as usual," she responded. Great, Hyuna is not here.

"Woohyun was off," Sunggyu said, "Let's do it again."

The others groaned.

"Woohyun get your head back in this," L said.

Woohyun remained silent.

"It's becaue of me," Eunji said jovially.

"Huh?" L and Sungjong said.

Woohyun quickly looked at her.

"He's not talking to me, right Woohyun?" she said.

He didn't say anything.

Eunji stood in front of him, "This can't go on forever," she said.

Sunggyu put his arms around Eunji and Woohyun's shoulders, "You guys can't be fighting, we've been friends forever you can't let something stupid get in the way."

Woohyun broke his silence "Who said it was something stupid?"

"Uh~" Sunggyu realized that Woohyun was probably right since he didn't know the reason why.

"Woohyun what more do you want from me? I said sorry already," Eunji said.

"Manager Lee needs to stop allowing visitors in the dance studio during our practice" he said before playing the music.

Eunji eyes filled with tears.

"Don't cry," Sunggyu said.

"I wouldn't waste my tears on a babo like him. I'm going out to get some snacks."

"I'll go with you," Sunggyu said then they both left.

"Are you ok?" Sunggyu asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eunji said. Since you're here with me.

"Are you going to tell me what happened between you two?"

"It's nothing really."

"That didn't seem like nothing."

"Oppa can we talk about something else."

"The anniversary of your parents' death is in two days."

"Yeah. Oppa, are you still coming like you always do?"

"Yeah, but I don't know about Wooh."

"He probably won't come."

She felt a drop of water on her forehead then another on her nose.

"It's going to rain, the store is close by let's run" Sunggyu said.

He grabbed her by the hand and they started running. He's holding my hand >.<

They arrived at the store, their clothes were damp. Eunji laughed, "Your hair," she said pointing to it.

"We should hurry back to change."

They bought snacks and an umbrella to share.

"I hope we bought enough," she said.

When they got back to the dance studio, Sunggyu changed out of his wet clothes.

"I'm going to head home to change," Eunji said.

"Wait noona, I have an extra set of clothes." Sungjong went to grab the clothes in his bag.

"Thanks Sungjong." Eunji went to the bathroom to change while the members went through the bag a snacks they brought back, Woohyun sat in the corner with his head buried into his arms.

Sunggyu sat next to Woohyun "The anniversary of her parents death is coming up soon, cut her some slack."

Woohyun got up then went to the roof. Eunji who had already changed was sitting there mumbling something to herself. She heard someone's footsteps, she turned and saw Woohyun, they made eye contact for a brief second before he turned around to walk back. "Wait, you can have the roof, I was just leaving" she said then ran passed him to go back in.

"Wow, Sungjong's clothes fit you perfectly," Dongwoo said.

Eunji blushed, "Thanks again Sungjong."

Sungjong smiled "I forgot to thank you for the lemon candy. Thanks."

So he still told Sungjong it was from me.

"Eunji, Do you remember that underground restaurant we used to go to every Monday during high school," Sunggyu said.

"Yeah, is that place still open?"

"I don't know, why don't we find out this Saturday?"

Eeeep a date?! "Ok oppa," she said.

"I want to come too," Sungjong said.

"No," Sunggyu said abruptly.

When Woohyun came back they went through the song a few more times. Eunji pretended to be the fans and recited the chants then they took a break.

"Why didn't you decide to become a singer like Sunggyu and Woohyun?" L asked.

"It's not my dream, besides if I did I would hardly see them."

"Oh. They're lucky to have a friend like you."

"I think Woohyun would disagree with you."

L laughed. "I doubt that."

Eunji rode with them this time to their live performance at SBS Inkigayo. Hyuna stopped by their dressing room "Hi guys, good luck out there" she said.

"Thanks noona" Sungjong said.

"You too," Sunggyu said.

Hyuna smiled.

This chick, doesn't she have her own group to worry about?

"Nice to see you again Eunji," Hyuna said.

"You too," she said.

"Sungyeol, someone is looking for you," Hyuna said.

Sungyeol quickly rushed out of the dressing room.

"Who would be looking for Sungyeol?" L asked. L followed after him a few seconds later.

After Inkigayo they went home.

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