Zone 2

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Later that night Eunji attended their performance at KBS Music Bank. She went to their dressing room using the pass she got from Woohyun. When she opened the door of the dressing room she was glad that Hyuna wasn't there.

"Noona, you came!" Sungyeol said.

"Yeah, I would never miss your performance."

Woohyun smiled at her. "Glad you could make it."

She flashed him a quick smile then her eyes wandered around the room looking for Sunggyu.

"Looking for something," Dongwoo asked.

"Where's Sunggyu oppa?" she asked.

"He's not in here." Woohyun said.

"Do you know where he went?"

"He's in 4minute's dressing room," Hoya said.

She nodded her head apprehensively then sat down on the couch.

"What's wrong with her?" L nudged his head in her direction.

"What do you think? Sunggyu hyung's not here," Woohyun said.

"Ya!" Eunji screamed, everyone was startled by her sudden outburst.

"What's wrong with noona?" Sungjong asked.

Eunji gave Woohyun the death stare right when Sunggyu walked in.

"What's going on here?" Sunggyu asked.

Eunji turned her attention to Sunggyu.

"What are you talking about?" Dongwoo asked.

"I heard Sungyeol scream from down the hallway," Sunggyu said.

Sungyeol immediately looked at Sunggyu "Hyung, do I sound like a girl?"

"What did you guys do to Eunji?" he said staring at Sungjong.

"Hyung I didn't touch her," Sungjong immediately said waving his hands in front of him.

"I saw a bug," Eunji said.

Sunggyu climbed on a chair, "Really?! Did you kill it?"

"Yeah, Woohyun killed it. Right guys?" She said giving them a warning look.

"Yea...Yeah," they said.

He climbed off of the chair.

"Hyung, you're such a baby," Sungjong said.

"Let's practice," Sunggyu said.

They groaned.

"We're about to go on in a few minutes," Woohyun said.

"We still have time to practice," Sunggyu said.

They sat down.

"Why are you guys sitting down, get up," Sunggyu said.

"I'm not practicing," Woohyun said.

"Me neither," they said one by one.

"Fine, but whoever messes up on stage will be cleaning the bathroom," Sunggyu warned.

"Whatever," Woohyun said.

"If no one messes up hyung should clean the bathroom," Hoya said.

"Hey, show your leader some respect," Eunji said.

Dongwoo laughed.

"Stay out of this," Woohyun said to Eunji.

The manager came in "You're on next, let's go."

They all left with the manager. They waited backstage for A Pink to finish performing so that they could go on.

Then it was time for them to go on... "Good luck, I'll be watching," Eunji whispered.

The guys walked on stage. "Oh good they haven't started yet," a voice behind Eunji said.

She turned around and saw Hyuna dressed up in her performance outfit.

"Hi, uh...sorry I forgot your name," Hyuna said.

"It's Eunji," she said.

"Do you always watch them perform?"

"Yes, I haven't missed a performance yet," Eunji said sounding proud.

"Do you go to school or work?" Hyuna asked.

"I work but my boss is understanding, and I always ask for time off in advance," Eunji said.

"Oh, that's nice" Hyuna smiled.

They stood in silence and watched Infinite perform 'Man in Love.'

The fans chanted and screamed throughout the performance.

After they were done performing they exited the stage. "Oppa you were awesome out there," Eunji said to Sunggyu who walked pass her to talk to Hyuna.

"Did you watch our performance?" he asked Hyuna. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, I was great wasn't I?" Dongwoo said to Eunji.

"Uh..yeah sure," she said still looking at Sunggyu and Hyuna while attempting to read their lips.

"You're embarrassing yourself," Woohyun whispered in her ear.

"What?" she said pretending she that wasn't doing anything.

"Hey do you guys want to go out to eat after this?" Woohyun asked.

"Ok," they all said.

Woohyun nudged Eunji with his shoulder, "You can come too."

"You should come too," Sunggyu said to Hyuna.

Eunji's happy expression changed.

"I'll have to check with my manager," Hyuna said.

"I'll go with you," Sunggyu said.

"I hope he says no" Eunji thought.

Hyuna came back a minute later with Sunggyu.

"He said yes, so drinks are on me," Hyuna said.

"Thanks noona," L said.

"Yeah, no one besides our manager has treated us this nice before," Sungyeol said.

"And he said I should bring Jihyun too," she said.

"The more the merrier," Hoya said.

Jihyun came in "Annyeonghaseyo Jihyun-imnida." She bowed.

The guys bowed back, then introduced themselves one by one. Then Jihyun looked at Eunji, who then introduced herself "I'm Eunji, Woohyun and Sunggyu's childhood friend."

"Nice of you to join us," L said.

"Thanks for inviting me," Jihyun said.

"It was no problem at all, any friend of Hyuna is a friend of mine," Sunggyu said.

They left with Infinite's manager to go to a noodle shop.

At the restaurant....

Eunji patted the seat next to her and said "Sunggyu oppa, you can seat here."

"Oppa, I saved you a seat next to me," Hyuna said.

Sunggyu went to sit next to Hyuna and Woohyun sat next to Eunji.

Dongwoo and Woohyun sat next to Jihyun, so L asked Sungyeol who was seated across from Jihyun to swap seats but Sungyeol refused then he tried asking Dongwoo who was sat next to her but he also refused. L ended up sitting at the end of the table.

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