Zone 12

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A few days later at the candy store....

“Manager you’re back!” Eunji said. 

“Yes, I went to visit an old friend.”

“Is your friend okay?”

“No, he was dying. I stayed with him until he passed away. Did Jennifer give you any trouble?”

“Manager-nim you can’t expect me to say anything bad about you niece.”

“I expect the truth.”

“I’m not saying.”

The manager smiled. “Eunji, I have a question about your mother. Have you met her parents before?”

“No, mom grew up in an orphanage and left when she was 18, she never met her parents” She pulled out the necklace she had tucked in under her shirt’s collar “My mom gave this necklace for my thirteenth birthday she said it was all she had of her birth parents.”

Tears filled in the manager's eyes “It’s true” she said under her breath.

“Manager why did you ask all of a sudden?”  

“Let me tell you a story. When I was nineteen I met a guy who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, three years later I became pregnant, we were excited at the time. He told me he never had the intention of getting married and we would live together as an unmarried couple raising our child. I lied to my parents and told them that we secretly got married. Nine months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, we named her Eunhye. It wasn’t easy at first being a new mother, eventually my parents found out that he and I weren’t married. They demanded I move back home with the baby. The father got a job offer in Busan shortly after I moved to my parents with Eunhye. We broke up but decided to remain friends. One day my parents set me up on a blind date,  I couldn’t believe that someone agreed to go out with a young single mother. When I got home and Eunhye was gone, my parents told me they gave her away since no one would marry a single mother. I tried searching for her everywhere I could think of, I even threatened to kill myself but my parents refused to tell me who they gave her to. I wrote a letter to her father letting him know and told him it would be useless to come back. We both moved on with our lives but never once forgot about Eunhye. I got married and had another daughter but he never got married. When I went to visit him on his death bed, he told me that he hired a private investigator and found out where Eunhye was five years ago but it was too late since she had passed away the year before. She also had a daughter of her own, who I managed to track down only to find out she was right under my nose all this time working at my candy store.”

“Manager, are you saying you’re my mom’s mom? My grandmother?”

“Yes. I told your grandfather how wonderful you are before he passed away. That necklace you're wearing was given to me bys your grandfather when we started dating."

Eunji took a step back. “Excuse me I think I need to take a break.”

Eunji walked to the park, she called Woohyun.

“I’ll be right there” he said.

A few minutes later he met up with her. 

“Your manager is your grandmother?!”

“That’s what she said.”

“Do you believe her?”

“Yeah, why would anyone lie about something like that?”

Eunji cried. “Oppa that means I’m not alone anymore, I still have family.”

Woohyun put his arm around Eunji’s shoulders “You were never alone, you have me, Sunggyu and even my mother.”

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