Zone 10

689 29 2

Music Core backstage......

“Oppa, hwaiting” Eunji whispered as Sunggyu left for 4minute’s dressing room.

The door was open, he knocked on it before standing in full view of the dressing room. The members of 4minute turned towards him “Annyeonghaseyo” they said. 

“Hi, uh Hyuna can I speak to you in private?”


Sunggyu led Hyuna around the corner to secluded area. “I have something to ask you, are you really going to sue Eunji?”

She scoffed “She sent you to handle her problem. Well I’m still thinking about it.”

“Please don’t, Eunji lives on her own and works at a candy store to take care of herself, she can’t afford to be sued.”

“She should have thought about that before throwing soup on me.”

“I know and she’s very sorry about it. I’ll pay for your dry cleaning bill.”

She passed her finger on his cheek. “Fine I won’t sue her on one condition, we go back to how we were for the next two months and during that time you can’t speak or see Eunji.”

“Why? You have a boyfriend.”

“Do we have a deal or not?” 

“We have a deal.”

Hyuna walked back to her dressing room.

Back in infinite’s dressing room....

“Sunggyu’s taking long maybe I should go look for him” Eunji said pacing back and forth.

“Is something wrong?” Woohyun asked.

Eunji left the dressing room and headed towards 4minute’s, Woohyun followed a few paces behind.

As Eunji got closer the dressing room she saw Hyuna appear from around the corner, Hyuna looked at her for a brief second and continued walking towards her dressing room. 

“Wait, I have something to say to you” Eunji said. 

“If you’re looking for Sunggyu, I don’t know where he is”

Eunji got on her knees and did a formal jeol. “I’m sorry for throwing soup on you that time.”

“Ya, get up before someone sees you” Hyuna said. 

Eunji got up. “I’ll pay for you dry cleaning.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Really?!” [Guess she’s not a complete sea witch after all.]

“Yeah, and don’t worry I won’t sue” Hyuna continued walking. 

“Thank you unni!” Eunji yelled.

Woohyun who was standing about 4 feet away saw everything. Hyuna kept her head bowed as she walked passed him. Woohyun jogged towards Eunji, he put his hand on her head “Eunji, I take my eyes off you for a few minutes and you cause a mess.”

“She was saying mean things about Sunggyu oppa and on top of that she cheated on him.”

“Stop getting involved in our business, we can take care of ourselves.”


“No but’s, you sent Sunggyu to talk her didn’t you?”

“I didn’t send him, he volunteered to go.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about it earlier?”

“Because it doesn’t concern you.”

“Your business is my business.”

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