Zone 4

797 31 2

Eunji sent a text to Woohyun after work: 'Hey, I'm sorry about today, forgive me?'

She took the bus back to her apartment where she made dinner. Why hasn't Woohyun responded yet, is he really that mad.

She sent him another text: 'Can you come over asap? My apartment is flooded.'

Woohyun rushed over to Eunji's apartment, he frantically pressed the doorbell. When she opened the door she saw Woohyun huffing and puffing. He entered her apartment.

"I came over as soon as I saw your text," he managed to get out.

Eunji felt guilty about what she had done.

Woohyun read her expression "Your apartment isn't really flooded is it?"

"Well you weren't answering my texts so I figured you were still mad about earlier, and this was the only way I could get you to come over."

Woohyun turned around to leave, Eunji held on to his arm. "Wait, I'm sorry that I lied to you yesterday and today, I just didn't want to seem 'like some love sick puppy'" He tried pulling away.

"Can you stay? I made your favorite," she said.

Woohyun remained silent as he brushed her arm off then left.

"Wooh! Wooh! Woohyun!" she quickly put on her shoes and chased after him. When she exited the apartment building unto the main street she looked both ways hoping to still see him but there was no sight of Woohyun it was like he just disappeared.

She dropped to her knees on the sidewalk and cried "Woohyun I'm sorry!"

Woohyun who was hiding at the side of a nearby building heard her, it took a lot of will power for him to resist the urge to go over to comfort her and say that he forgave her but he knew she would continue doing so if he did.

When Eunji went back into the apartment building Woohyun went home.


When he got back to the dorm he saw L and Sunggyu talking in the living room, "Hyung you should go visit Eunji," Woohyun said.

"I'm meeting Hyuna in a few minutes, why don't you go?"

"I'm busy."

"I'll go after my date with Hyuna."

"You guys are dating now?" L asked sounding shocked.

"Not yet but we're getting there."


Woohyun went to his room.


Eunji didn't eat the dinner she made , she sat on her bed covered in a blanket still sobbing. Eventually she dozed off but was awakened by her doorbell. She rubbed her eyes then quickly ran to answer the door, she was hoping that Woohyun decided to come back. She opened the door and saw Sunggyu who looked pretty well dressed for just a friendly visit. Eunji was too sad to care that Sunggyu saw her looking like this.

"Were you crying?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was watching 'I Miss You' earlier," she lied.

"I'll never understand why you watch dramas that'll make you cry."

Sunggyu entered her apartment. He walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and saw all the food on the tiny table Eunji had.

"Are you expecting a late night visitor?"

"No, that was dinner from earlier but I suddenly didn't feel like eating."

"I should have brought Woohyun with me."

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