Zone 11

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Woohyun and Eunji turned around “Chansung oppa” she said.

“Hey, Woohyun is that you?” Chansung asked. 

“Hyung, do you work around here?”

“No, I work for my dad’s company now I came here to blow off some steam. So you two lovebirds did end up together after all” Chansung said. 

“Oppa we’re not together” Eunji said.

“Oh. I know what Woohyun’s been up to how about you Eunji?”

“Keeping an eye on him and Sunggyu, and working at the candy shore” she replied. 

“The same one from high school?”


“You know my dad’s company has an opening in the mail room, I’m pretty sure it pays more than that candy store, I could put in a good word for you.”

Eunji looked up at Woohyun then back to Chansung “Uh I don’t know.”

He reached in his wallet then pulled out his business card and handed it to Eunji “Call me in case you change your mind.”

Sunggyu rejoined them “Hey, isn’t this place too shabby for you to be here?” he said.

“I could say the same thing to you Mr. celebrity” Chansung said. 

They greeted each other with a secret handshake they developed back in high school. 

“Do you still remember how to play bass?” Sunggyu asked. 

“I practice off and on but the old man is looking to retire soon and wants me to takeover so I can barely find time to. I’m glad I decided to come down here” Chansung said then looked at Eunji for a brief moment. He pulled out another business card and handed it to Sunggyu “If you‘re not too busy I could take you to this awesome place I found in Seoul and introduce you to some women.”

“Excuse me you’re holding up the line” the person behind Chansung said. 

“Sorry” Eunji apologize. She bought the tokens then turned to Sunggyu and Woohyun “Food is on the two of you.”

“Did you come by yourself?” Sunggyu asked Chansung.


“Why don’t you hang with us then?” Sunggyu suggested.

“Okay” Chansung bought more tokens from the machine.

“Oppa, why don’t we play table hockey we can do teams of two” Eunji said.

They shrugged in agreement. 

Eunji quickly moved closer to Woohyun then grabbed his left arm, “I call dibs on Woohyun oppa!” Eunji said. Sunggyu and Chansung looked at her stunned “What? He’s competitive and better at table hockey than Sunggyu oppa.”

Sunggyu and Chansung looked at each other then laughed. “Do you know what the band called him back in high school?” Sunggyu said. 

“What?” Eunji said. 

“The king of table hockey” Chansung said. 

“Be prepared to be dethrone.”

“Let’s make this interesting, the losers buy whatever the winner feels like eating” Chansung said then stuck his hand out. 

“Uh..Eunji” Woohyun reached out trying to stop her. 

“Deal” she said firmly then shook Chansung’s hand. “Don’t worry oppa, I believe we can crush them. Besides I played him once, you can take him.” she whispered to Woohyun.

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