Zone 8

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The next morning Eunji got up and got ready for work.

Eunji saw Woohyun eating breakfast already.

"Good morning. Where are you going today?" Eunji asked.

"To the candy store with you."

"Wouldn't you rather stay in and sleep or something?"


"Hurry up then, I'm going to be late for my shift."

"What about your breakfast?"

"You know that I don't usually eat breakfast."

"I'm already one step ahead of you," he said holding a brown paper bag.

"Thanks," she said as she took the bag from him.

They left together.

"Ah...I see you brought your friend," the store manager said.

"He insisted on coming," Eunji said.

"Good morning store manager, I'll be your temporary employee today," Woohyun said.

"Good morning," the store manager then winked at Eunji, "He's in your hands Eunji."

The store manager proceeded to walk to the store room. "But store manager~" Eunji started.

"What's first supervisor?" Woohyun said to Eunji.

"Make sure the shelves are organized."

"Yes supervisor," Woohyun said.

Isn't he being a little too serious about this.

"Hey Woohyun, try not to let the customers see you," Eunji said.

"I know."

They ate together during their lunch break

After work they walked home, on the way Woohyun said he needed to make a stop to buy something. They arrived at the store...

"What are you going to buy?" Eunji asked.

"It's a secret," Woohyun said.

Eunji waited outside while Woohyun went in. After a few minutes he came out with a football,"That's your big secret?" Eunji asked.

"You don't have one and I want to play."

"That's because last time when I borrowed you my ball, you never returned it."

"Hoya, lost that one."

They stopped by a park to play football before going home.

At the apartment...

"We stink," Eunji said.

"You can go take a shower first," Woohyun said.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll use all of the hot water?"

"I like to bathe in cold water anyway."

"Suit yourself."

After getting cleaned up they tried to watch the entire Death Note series but fell asleep halfway through.

Back at the dorm...

"Hyung, Hyuna dumped you didn't she?" L said to Sunggyu.

"No. She went to Jeju island for a photo shoot" Sunggyu explained. L nodded his head, he didn't believe Sunggyu.

"Hyung. I have to tell you something, Jihyun saw Hyuna and Hyunseung kissing in the dance room" Sungyeol said.

"Are you sure you didn't see them practicing" he said.

"She went to Jeju with him."

"She went for a photo shoot."

"There is no photo shoot" Sungyeol said.

Hoya who was in the corner looked up from his book and said "That's what you get for trying to date out of your league" then continued reading.

Sunggyu looked at the ground in distress. It was out of nowhere and so sudden. He went to his room and called her phone. After three rings it went straight to voice mail. He hanged up and redialed the number but again it went straight to voice mail. He texted her instead "Are you okay??" And pressed send. He was drawing different conclusions but immediately shook it off when his phone pinged. He checked his phone thinking it was a text from Hyuna but turned out to be junk mail. He threw his phone on the bed in anger.

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