Zone 6

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Two days later at the candy store....

"What happened to your friend who normally comes here to buy lemon candy?" the store manager asked.

"We're not friends anymore."

"What happened?"

"I did something and he refuses to forgive me."

"Give it time he'll come around."

"I hope you're right manager."

"You know I would have given you the day off today."

"I know, but I wanted to work today."

"Ok but don't push yourself too much."

Eunji's shift ended at 2pm. She stopped by the florist to pick up a bouquet of flowers. Then she got a text from Sunggyu: 'Something came up I won't be able to make it.'

Eunji replied: 'It's ok oppa, work hard."

Eunji went to visit her parents grave, when she arrived the plot have been cleaned and someone left a bouquet of hydrangeas and there were two sticks of of incense that were already burnt halfway. Woohyun must have been here earlier, he's the only one I know who brings my parent hydrangeas.

She brought her parents' favorite dessert and put it on a plate. She put a bottle of soju next to it and lit two more sticks of incense. "Mom, dad, I came here by myself today. I know Woohyun was here earlier, he's not talking to me right now. Sunggyu oppa couldn't be here, don't blame him, he's busy with work since their group is getting more and more famous they'll be busier. Don't worry I'm not alone, they still spend time with me when they can. I hope Woohyun and I can be friends again but I guess since he came here it shows that he still cares......."

After Eunji was done talking she offered a silent prayer.

Meanwhile at the dorm......

"Another date with Hyuna?" Hoya asked.

"Yeah, jealous?" Sunggyu asked.

"Why would I be?" Hoya said.

Woohyun walked in dressed in a suit. "Where are you coming from dressed like that?" Sunggyu asked.

"Out," Woohyun said as he walked to his room.

Sunggyu left for his date.

About 2 hours later the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" Dongwoo asked.

"It's me, Eunji."

Dongwoo opened the door for her.

"Where's Woohyun?" she asked.

"In his room, why is everyone dressed up today?"

Eunji knocked on the door.

"What?!" Woohyun said from inside.

She opened the door and entered the room before closing the door. Dongwoo pressed his ear against the door to eavesdrop.

Woohyun looked at her then went back to reading his manhwa. "I won't be long, I just came to say thank you. I know you visited my parents earlier today," she said.

"I didn't do it for you," he said still looking at his manhwa.

"I know, I brought you something." She put the small gift bag on the bed next to him. "Good bye Woohyun."

Dongwoo quickly moved away from the door then jumped on the couch. Eunji opened the door.

"Are you leaving?" he asked.

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