Zone 14

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He picked her up and put her over his shoulder “YA! this is sexual harassment” she screamed. 

“If you keep moving you’ll fall.”

“Put me down” she hit his back. 

“’re making a scene.”

When they got to his car, he opened the passenger door and put her in the car before going around to the driver’s side and getting in himself. Eunji took a quick glance of inside of the car. 

“How does a person go from being a high school playboy bassist into a guy in a monkey suit.”

“Eventually we have to all grow up. Buckle up.”

He started the car. “Where are we going?”

“To check up on one of our construction sites.”

“More work, I better get paid overtime for this.”

“So what was it?”

"What was what?"

“Your important plans for tonight.”

“I was going to video chat with Woohyun and Sunggyu.”

Chansung smiled “Wow, even after breaking up you and Woohyun still managed to remain close friends.”

“Me and Woohyun? Break up?”

“Yeah, I thought you said the other night at the arcade that the two of you were not together anymore.”

“Anymore? We were never together.”

“Really?! There were rumour going around that the two of you were and when I asked Woohyun he said you two were dating.”

They pulled into the parking lot of a half completed soon to be apartment complex.

“You’re lying, why would Woohyun tell a lie like that?”

The car stopped.

“Think about it why would a guy lie to another guy and tell him that he’s dating someone he’s not.”

[Why would a guy...why would Woohyun? But if he did does that mean and does that mean Chansung, no I’m over thinking things.]

“Does that mean you were interested in me back then?”

“Yeah but who would guess we’d be right here, right now in this moment. Look, at that sunset.”

[Woohyun lied to protect me.]

“But you were a player back then, you dated most if not all of the band's fans at our school.” She turned towards the sun, “Wow, it’s beautiful."

He looked at her as she watched the sunset in awe. “All but one.”

“I’ll let you know whatever you’re up to it’s not going to work I have my heart set on Sunggyu.”

He smiled. “I guess a lot hasn’t changed since high school. You know he’s known that for a long time now so why don’t you just move on.”

“Because I believe that sooner or later he’ll realize that he has feelings for me.”

“That sounds like a sad life.”

“Hey it’s not, one day you’ll meet that person who you can’t imagine your life without and I hope she breaks your heart.”

“Be careful of what you wish on others because it might happen to you.”

“What are we suppose to do here besides watching the sun go down" she turned to him with an annoyed look on her face.

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