Zone 3

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The next day at the candy store....

What's Hyuna's deal? Who does she think she is? She's not even his type, her clothes were so short and thin that she may as well be wearing .


She was practically throwing herself at him "Oppa I saved you a seat."

"Eunji.....Eunji!" the store manager yelled.

She snapped out of her thoughts, "Yes."

"There's a customer waiting."

She walked over to the register "You're no customer."

"Yes I am, see," he said holding up a small bag filled with lemon candy. "I came to pick up these for Sungjong."

"How much money have you spent on lemon candy for that kid already, so much candy cannot be healthy."

"I've lost count, when is your lunch break? There's a new restaurant that opened up about 5 minutes away, we should try it," Woohyun said.

"In about 30 minutes," she said.

"I'll walk around the area until you're ready."

"Can you just stay here and keep me company instead? It's so dead in here."


She refused to take his money "Tell Sungjong that the lemon candy is from me this time."

Woohyun stood beside Eunji as she restocked the shelves.

"Remember when Sunggyu went through that punk rock phase? He even had that spiked hair with so much gel," she said.

"Yeah, he thought he was the coolest person in school back then," Woohyun laughed.

"I think he almost poked someone's eye out with one of those spikes once." They both laughed.

"Remember back in high school when I said Sunggyu was tutoring me?"

"Yeah, it was almost every day during our second year and Sunggyu's fourth year. You know I could have tutored you too back then."

"We really went to an arcade, we didn't want you to come because you might scare the girls away."

"Hey, I wasn't scary."

"You never let any girl get too close to us. You spent so much time doing that, that you never had time to find a boyfriend."

"That's because once I realized that I liked Sunggyu I decided to keep myself pure for him. Besides both of you have had girlfriends before, and if I remembered correctly your last one broke it off with you, she was such a nice girl too, after all the trouble I went through to find her for you."

"Well, I wasn't into her anyway I just went out with her because you insisted I did."

"I didn't insist, I just strongly suggested.."

"You told me you wouldn't talk to me if I didn't."

"I couldn't actually do that. The longest I've ever stopped talking to you was 2 days."

"Oh yeah, back in our first year of high school and over a pencil too."

"Hey that pencil had sentimental value."

"I saw the same pack of twelve for 500 won."

They sat down against one of shelves reminiscing about the past, they were so lost in their conversation that they were unaware that 30 minutes had already passed. They were interrupted by the store manager who alerted Eunji it was time for her lunch break.

They were talking as they walked over to the restaurant when Eunji received a text from Sunggyu: 'This should be your lunch time, right? Meet me at the park near the candy store.'

"Woohyun, sorry the store manager says he needs me back, the store suddenly became busy," she lied.

"Ok, we can always try that restaurant another time."

"Thanks. Take care," she waved to him then ran off in the direction of the store.

She arrived at the park and saw Sunggyu sitting at the bench. She walked up behind him then covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" she said.

"The woman I've been dreaming about every night."

Eunji removed her hands off of his eyes "So you've been dreaming about me, huh?" she said as she walked in front to face him.

"Oh, it just you Eunji."

"Oppa~ you're mean."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know...anything. Oh how about ramyun."

"No, I don't feel like eating ramyun today."

"There's a new restaurant that opened not too far away from here, do you want to check it out?"


They walked over to the restaurant on the way, Eunji asked Sunggyu about his day. Eunji opened the door and Sunggyu followed her in.

"Welcome to Lady Kim's Palace," the hostess greeted them .

Sunggyu noticed Woohyun at the counter. "Woohyun's here," he told Eunji.

"Woohyun?" a shocked Eunji asked, "Where?"

"He's over there at the counter."

Sunggyu walked over to Woohyun and Eunji reluctantly followed. "Woohyun, what are you doing here?"

"Hyung? I was about to get food to go" he said then he noticed Eunji trying to hide behind Sunggyu with her head bent "I see you brought Eunji with you too."

"Hi Woohyun," she said.

"Yeah, why don't you join us it'll be like old times," Sunggyu said.

Eunji motioned to Woohyun to refuse.

"Yes, it'll be like old times," Woohyun said.

"We haven't gone out just the three of us since Infinite has debuted. It was a lucky coincidence that we bumped into you here," Sunggyu said.

"Yeah some lucky coincidence," Woohyun said looking at Eunji.

"Yeah," she said, the guilt she was feeling showed on her face.

Eventually everyone's mood lightened up after two cups of soju. They laughed and talked and it seemed like nothing had changed between the three childhood friends. Sunggyu and Woohyun walked Eunji back to work before heading home.

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