Zone 7

785 37 2

"Yes oppa," Eunji said quietly.

"I'm dating Hyuna right now," Sunggyu said.

She knew what he meant without saying the dreaded words that no one likes to hear "I like you just as a friend." Eunji pulled out a handkerchief and walked closer to Sunggyu. She used the handkerchief to soak up the blood.

"Oppa, was Woohyun here?" Eunji said.

"Yes," Sunggyu said.

"Did you guys fight because of me?"

"So he went to see you right after."

I guess Woohyun was really rooting for me and oppa to be a couple but he didn't have to go this far.

"No, he was already at my place then left for a few minutes but I didn't know that he was meeting you."

"You should go take care of him."

"Are you going to call Hyuna?" She handed Sunggyu the handkerchief.

"No, she's going to be busy for the next few days."

"Are you going back to the dorm?"


"Ok. Bye Oppa."

"I'll walk you."

"You probably shouldn't and besides I'm going to the store to get ointment for Woohyun's face."

"I told you to stock up on things like that."

"I know, but I didn't have time to since the last one ran out."

"I'll walk with you to the store."

After Sunggyu walked her to the store he took a cab home.

On the way back to her apartment Eunji finally broke down and started crying, she had put on her usual cheery face for Sunggyu. Before walking into her apartment she dried her eyes.

Woohyun was seated by the tiny table she had. "What took you so long?"

She took the ointment out of the box, "Close you eyes" she said to Woohuyn before applying the ointment.

"I saw Sunggyu, he told me you guys fought," she said.

"He did?"

"Even though he didn't pick me, you didn't have to fight him."


"He basically told me that he only liked me as a friend and that he's dating Hyuna."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Woohyun opened his eyes and saw Eunji's eyes filled with tears. "Don't hold back your tears or you'll drown in them."

Woohyun took the ointment out of her hand then hugged her. Her head was on his chest.

Did his embrace always feel this warm and comfortable? The sound of his heart beating is so soothing. Why do I feel so weak?

"Woohyun I ~"

Eunji opened her eyes two hours later. She found herself laying down on her couch with a cover over her and Woohyun was not in the room. She got up slowly then walked to the kitchen for a glass of water, as she got closer to the kitchen she could smell something delicious.

Woohyun looked out of the kitchen and saw her coming, "hey, what are you doing here?"

"It's my apartment and I wanted a glass of water."

"Why didn't you call me to get it for you? Go back and lay down, I'll bring you a glass of water."

"But I'm a few steps away from getting it."

"Go, I'll bring it."

Eunji slowly walked back to the couch.

Woohyun came in shortly with a glass of water. "I'm guessing from the spoiled food in your refrigerator that you haven't been eating well for a while." He gave her the glass.

"It's all your fault," Eunji said before taking a sip of water.

Woohyun smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked.

"No reason. The food is almost done."

He went back to the kitchen then came back a few minutes later. "Your food is served," he said.

He helped her get off of the couch then helped her walk to the table.

"Thank you," she said.

"I made enough food for three days, so you don't have to worry about cooking for a few days," he said.

"Thanks, how's your eye?"

"It's better than ok."

"Let me see," she gently put her finger on it.


"Liar. What is your manager going to say when he sees you like this?"

"I don't know. We have the next two days off anyway so by the time I go back to the dorm my eye should be fine."

Eunji laughed, "Unless you have some magically healing powers it's going to take more than 2 days for that eye to heal completely."

Woohyun laughed.

"Where are you going to go?"

"I'll be staying here."

"Who said you could? Why don't you go visit your parents instead?"

"Are you telling me that I can't stay?"

"I'm not saying that but~"

"It's settled then I'm staying here."

"Fine do whatever you want but next time I see mom I'm telling her you used your last vacation to stay at my place."

"Stop calling her that, she's not your mother."

When Eunji's parents died during her first year in high school, Woohyun's parents took her in. During their last year, Eunji used the money save from her part time job to move out and get her own apartment which she currently lives in.

"She said I could" Eunji said sticking her tongue out. "I'm practically your sister."

"You're not my sister. Let's eat."

After Eunji ate she thanked Woohyun again for the meal.

"You don't have to thank me," Woohyun said.

She grabbed his plate, "I'll wash the dishes."

"No," he took the plate back, "You should rest."

"Ugh...I'm fine, see?" she did some of the choreography from man in love. When she was done she put her hand on the wall for support.

"Uh huh."

She knew Woohyun wasn't buying it.

"Go lay down I'll clean up."

"Fine," she said before going to her room.

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